Wing Commander CIC


  On This Day

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds


Naomi Dayan# 571 

Name Naomi Dayan
Rank Admiral
Faction Terran Confederation
Race Human
Residence McAuliffe
About Admiral Naomi Dayan commanded a task force based in McAuliffe at the time of the initial Kilrathi ambush in 2634. Her flagship was the carrier TCS Ark Royal before carriers were considered primary workhorses of the fleet. Previously she had served as a visiting professor at the Academy teaching carrier tactics.

When the Battle of McAuliffe began on 2534.236 she was in overall command. Dayan had sent a ship through jump point Delta to reemerge later in the day, deploying signal simulators to try and bluff the Kilrathi into thinking another attack was coming through. If the task force under Dayan's command had failed to repel the Kilrathi, only one destroyer squadron existed along the route from McAuliffe to Earth. Nothing would have stopped the Kilrathi from storming the inner worlds. It is believed that Dayan asked the TCS Masada and TCS Hermes to ram their targets in a desperate move to win the battle. Dayan's son was the executive officer on the Masada.

Related records:
Record edited by ChrisReid
Last modified Aug 10 2003


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