Wing Commander CIC


  On This Day

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds


Ramona Chekova# 1531 

Name Ramona Chekova
Rank Lieutenant Commander
Faction Terran Confederation
Race Human
Died 2666.200
About Lt. Cmdr. Chekova was the commander of a recon mission to Vukar Tag in 2666. She was not a well experienced field officer and clashed with the crew and captain of the CS Johnny Green. During the journey to Vukar Tag, Chekova alienated herself from her comrades by being overly harsh, confrontational and by endangering the lives of her crewmates.

However, Chekova managed to redeem herself. When circumstances forced the CS Johnny Green to, first, hide in asteroids in the Vukar Tag system, and later flee to the jump point, Chekova managed to complete her recon mission by sacrificing her own life riding the derelict hull of a Venture Class Corvette on a slingshot course around the planet Vukar Tag. She managed to capture images of the palace of the Kilrathi Emperor's mother, which were safely recieved by the Johnny Green. Her sacrifice gave the Confederation valuable intellegence on the planet, and led to a successful Confederation attack.

Related records: TCS Tarawa
Record edited by TC
Last modified Aug 6 2004


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