XBox space combat sims?

Did any of you guys play Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe? I thought that game was really fun. Though I never got to play it as much as I wanted to, Jim. :(
cff said:
What ever happened to CS 2? Was it released?
If by CS 2, you mean Crimson Skies 2, the XBox version is the closest ting the series got to a sequel. It is way different then the original, which I think is way better. Anyway, if you are interested in flight seems, the PC is the way to go. CS, Secret Weapons, and Robotech are all a lot more arcadey than some computer sims, like Starlancer, Freespace, Tachyon, or (most importantly) Wing Commander :D .
So it was released already? Should follow X-Box more closely it seems even if I never plan to get one. What do you mean by different? Even more arcadish?
CS, Secret Weapons, and Robotech are all a lot more arcadey than some computer sims

He asked about Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe, which was one of the finest games ever made. You're thinking of Secret Weapons over Normandy, which... well, who knows how that happened?