WOW This game is crazy!

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The ships you fly are hunks of junk. Their armor is paper thin, they are slow, and all they have going for them is fire power. You are always outnumbered. I took out 40 fighters in mission 4.

I wouldn't have it any other way. These mission are insanly diffcult. I have been having trouble just surviving. And completling objectives is another story. It is really neat to be so obivously the underdog and to fly the classic ships. I have been playing this at the same time as secret ops and the missions in UE are much more interesting.

I do have two questions:

I am on mission for an the station keeps getting waxed. It seems to die in a few mins after I arrive, which really make it seem like there is no way to save it. Is it possible to finish this objective? Or is it intentional that you fail it?

Do you get to fly some of the other old ships? (Like the hornet, raiper etc etc.)

Awesome game, the only problem I can see is that the voice work is still a little weak. Everything else more than makes up for it. Great Job!
Glad you like it !

Xzar said:
The ships you fly are hunks of junk. Their armor is paper thin, they are slow, and all they have going for them is fire power. You are always outnumbered. I took out 40 fighters in mission 4.

I wouldn't have it any other way. These mission are insanly diffcult. I have been having trouble just surviving. And completling objectives is another story. It is really neat to be so obivously the underdog and to fly the classic ships.
That's the whole point of UE ! ;)
Xzar said:
I do have two questions:

I am on mission for an the station keeps getting waxed. It seems to die in a few mins after I arrive, which really make it seem like there is no way to save it. Is it possible to finish this objective? Or is it intentional that you fail it?
I don't think so, you might have mised something in an earlier mission ? In UE, caphip damage is saved from a mission to the next, so this may increase the difficulty of a mission if you haven't been carefull in the missions before.
Xzar said:
Do you get to fly some of the other old ships? (Like the hornet, raiper etc etc.)
Yep ! Work your way through mission 3-4 and then you'll have some other surprises in later missions (though it may not be the ships you that you think)...
Xzar said:
Awesome game, the only problem I can see is that the voice work is still a little weak. Everything else more than makes up for it. Great Job!
Well, we didn't change the original SO pilots voices because of the workload it would have meant. But watch out for Standoff, all the pilots's voice-overs have replaced for this one :)
Xzar said:
I am on mission for an the station keeps getting waxed. It seems to die in a few mins after I arrive, which really make it seem like there is no way to save it. Is it possible to finish this objective? Or is it intentional that you fail it?
No, you can save it (and need to save it, if you want to finish the game). Look out for the red Mantas... and learn to shoot down torpedoes in flight ;).
Saving the station is the hardest mission on the game. Just keep on trying. Pick the fastest ship possible with the most missiles and strongest depleteable guns. You will be reloaded several times that mission so oredenance shortage isn't really a problem. Oh and save up for the base and capship defenses. Forget the transports, they are only secodary.
Either stay close to the station and shoot down torps(green radar dots) with the scim's vipers or wax the mantas targeting the station in the nav map with the banshee's missiles--lasers don't work well against torpsm IMO.

Hint: Red mantas only carry one torp each, so once they fire, forget them as a primary target.
You forget the most powerful weapon - Stormfire. Lasers are useless, this baby aint.
Yep. The Banshee's lasers may have been screwed up by WCP, but its stormfire sure is a useful weapon. As far as mission 3 is concerned, both the Scim and the Banshee do very well.
I think I prefer the Banshee for this mission. IIRC, the extra missiles are helpful (as are the refuel and reloads), plus the Scimitar is used in many of the other missions, so it's nice to have a change.
have to admit though. I get toasted with the protect dauntless mission after escorting the convoys out system. Hardcore does not do it justice. Its fantastic that it all looks better than WCP ever was.

I have figured that the Corvette type ships the ugly ones seem to torp the dauntless too. Now are these guys more of a threat than the red mantas or what? Any tips on what to kill first?
Always kill any ship that is lining up to fire a torp first or any Stingray cluster. Then the order of killing things for me is: Devil Rays, Baracudas, Red Mantas, and Stingrays (if there are more then 3). Barracudas seem to carry 3 or more torps in UE...well who knows how many they carry, Quarto may have made them have infinite ammo on torps.

It's been awhile since I've played UE but I think the Stingray clusters killed the station a couple times when I played that mission.
Claymore said:
Barracudas seem to carry 3 or more torps in UE...well who knows how many they carry, Quarto may have made them have infinite ammo on torps.

Nah, i never knew Q to give unfair advantages, neither for the player or the enemy ships.
any road up, Job done and UE is in the bag. Excellent stuff mind. I did not like flying the Epee or the Banshee though, I prefered the Scimitar and at a push the Gratha. I am amazed that you managed to make the Scim into a ship worth having
Chernikov said:
Don't they carry 3 torps standard?
Three or four, I don't remember.

The Barracudas were very rarely used in WCP/SO for capship attacks, and usually didn't get a chance for a second torpedo shot (if they even had a chance for the first one :p). I suspect some people out there don't even know they carried torpedoes ;).
I can confirm that Quarto. I in fact, did not know that Barracudas carried torps. I don't think I ever saw one launch a torpedo (Though, admitedly I never played through all of UE's Campaign).
I think I only found out Barracudas carried torpedoes when I was tinkering with WCPedit. They're like a magnet for your wingmen's fire, plus I find they're the only useful targets to launch Tracker MIRVs against. So they usually die before even getting within range of a torpedo lock.
Agreed, Tracker MIRVs are only good against Corvettes or Stingray Clusters. If you can catch anything else with it, nice shooting. Though against Stingray Clusters it's a fast triple kill. :D

As for the Banshee - what do you guys mean, there are problems with the lasers? I've never really complained about the lasers before...though no, I can't shoot down torps with them now that I think about it. I always just blamed my aim even though I could do it semi-reliably with the Scim/Ferret/Epee...
Y'know, I just want to say once more that I love the Ferret. The one given you in UE is just so suited to my style. Simple loadout, fast as lightening, hard as hell to hit . . . just the ship I want. Mmmm . . .
Aron Figaro said:
Agreed, Tracker MIRVs are only good against Corvettes or Stingray Clusters. If you can catch anything else with it, nice shooting. Though against Stingray Clusters it's a fast triple kill. :D

As for the Banshee - what do you guys mean, there are problems with the lasers? I've never really complained about the lasers before...though no, I can't shoot down torps with them now that I think about it. I always just blamed my aim even though I could do it semi-reliably with the Scim/Ferret/Epee...

If you've played WC4 you'll notice the refire rate on lasers are much much slower