Worst movie, ever.

Originally posted by DoomsdayPlague
Any Disney Movie Made!!!

Your opinion will never, ever mean anything to me ever again for denying a company that, in it's heyday, made classics like Fantasia and dark gothics like Sleeping Beauty.
Its Evil I tell you Evil. :D I don't hate em all just the new ones. The stuff straight to videotapes and all the rehashes. I was just kidding about it as I do love the Lion King and Toystory 1 and 2. I would also play the Kingdom Hearts game in a second if I still owned a PS2:D
Originally posted by LeHah
Your opinion will never, ever mean anything to me ever again for denying a company that, in it's heyday, made classics like Fantasia and dark gothics like Sleeping Beauty.

I agree that generally Disney couldn't hold a torch to what comes from Japan, but there are a few that I really like. Anastasia, Mulan, The Lion King (with apologies to the die hard Kilrathi haters like Cobra), Toy Story and Shrek are all wonderfully made, even if the last two I mentioned have been eclipsed in CG work in my opinion by Resident Evil and Dead or Alive.
Originally posted by Phillip Tanaka
I agree that generally Disney couldn't hold a torch to what comes from Japan

With the possible exceptions of "Akira" and anything by Myazaki, the greatest animated movie is "The Thief And The Cobbler" (which was later bought out and sat on by Disney for 30 years until released as "Arabian Nights")

Why is it so much better? Half the movie's backgrounds are MC Escher paintings animated.

Those drive instruction movies in health class, remember those? Allways stating the ovious about things not to do -Zzzzzzz-.
This is off topic, but I think it's funny that I used to go by Striker on this board and now we have this one. Maybe I'm weird to care, but I thought it was cool.
Really Mav? I can't remember I just came back and descovered my old \/\/olf account is gone -Wipes a single tear from his right eye- Owell I didn' like that name much :D and allways used this name on the games.
Originally posted by Mav23
That's weird, how could your account disappear? Did "they" erase it? *Looks around suspiciously*

Yes...I suspect MURDER!!

BTW how did you turn on the avatar thingys or whatever that let you put the picture under your name??
I think you have to make more than 2000 posts before you can do that.

'Every morning I look in the mirror and say "Must become an action figure!"'

How about Stryker from Mortal Kombat? :cool:
Originally posted by Stryker
BTW how did you turn on the avatar thingys or whatever that let you put the picture under your name??

Gotta get over 2000 posts. Or have connections..... (dunh dunh dunh!)
D'oh! Right, I follow now. Yeah yeah, I'm dumb. I was totally spooked by the lose (enslavement) ending in Secret Missions, so whaddaya expect?!? :D