Wing Commander Remake?

I was introduced to Wing Commander Universe, when I got Wing Command I on the Amiga (Yes I did say Amiga, they were damm good game computers). If I want to play Wing Commander II, i have to install it on my Brothers machine (older than mine) and play it that way, it says that there isn't enough memory on mine machine to play it.
wing commander 1 on the Amiga...that brings back memories, I've still got it somewhere. If the early games were remade, would it be with the 2d sprites or 3d models? wouldn't the games lose something if they they were converted to 3d?
Wing Commander for the Amiga was a great conversion (yay, rotating 'sim ships) -- the lack of colors was a shame, though.

IMHO, Super Wing Commander got it right -- it was simply WC1 with newer graphics and speech. The gameplay itself felt exactly the same...
I think that the gaming experince would be enhanced if WC I or II were remaded using 3D Models, Hell we may get a new Generation hooked
Anyone who's converted WC1/2 models to 3D engines are making new campaigns, not trying to recreate old ones which we can play already. It's a much better use of valuable time, IMHO. If it hasn't been mentioned already, take a look at Eder's Standoff.
Originally posted by Oggy
wing commander 1 on the Amiga...that brings back memories, I've still got it somewhere. If the early games were remade, would it be with the 2d sprites or 3d models? wouldn't the games lose something if they they were converted to 3d?

Originally posted by ??
I think that the gaming experince would be enhanced if WC I or II were remaded using 3D Models, Hell we may get a new Generation hooked

It may help to look at it this way:
1) "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery": All great stories deserve to be remade/reinterpreted from time to time. Look at all the remakes/variations there are on some of the great movies/novels in our culture. It brings a new dimension to the story each time. Sure, some of the remakes suck, but it' s the price you pay for the good ones that come along every now & then...

2) Those who love the original WC can and will keep their copies of it, thus enabling them to go back nostalgically and play "the original" whenever they get a jones to do so.
Added bonus: If they're really hardcore "NOTHING beats the original!" types, that gives 'em the ability to keep going back and snickering up their sleeves at the rest of us poor schmucks who're getting suckered in by every remake that comes along. All in all, a win-win situation, I'd say...
Actually i had planned on ignoring him, but i have the bad habit of speaking my mind on such things first.

As for why i don't like SWC, It does boil down to the game play. I thought that the graphics were great. Certainly on par with the best of the time. But few of the things i ddin't like from the orginal were corrected. Such as it was a ok if you fired on and destroyed your own people. That's what i loved about WC3 and 4. if you destroyed your wingman you were arresteed. It made it that more real. Plus (and this is just being nitpicky) Maverick's name wasn't Blair.
Nay, just give that ring under your seat a tug, and all is forgiven. :D

The shooting-your-wingmen-thing not being in the first WC was great in that it's pretty much the only WC without a traitor element (aside from WCP perhaps), which was introduced for the first time in SM2.

The problem with WCP/SO dogfights is that it's usually such a melee (no wing organisation whatsoever), it's not hard to accidentally fire on friendly fighters and become a 'traitor'. I've done that on occasion with the Devastator's plasma cannon, and Confed fighters have even copped ELRIRs instead of my target. Not to mention the Cerberus' big gun blowing you up instead. Can't seem to get myself blown up by the Connie's PTC...
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Okay, that was dumb of me. I realize in retrospect that you may be being sarcastic. The sheer disjointedness of railing against a remake of Wing Commander Prophecy and then criticising EA for not remaking Wing Commander games is far, far too silly to be serious.

Furthermore, expecting a non-existant company to produce an addon for a five year old game which no longer runs on modern computers is veers past stupid and into hilariously rediculous.

And, of course, criticising EA for a renewed interest in Wing Commander after half a decade simply because you can't afford a $45 GameBoy is dumber than words can possibly express.

So, my apologies as you can't possibly be serious.

Please shoot me for having an opinion. I was simply replying the original author's post. Yes and being sarcastic in another sense. I will try to refrain from making my opinions next time...

Originally posted by Bandit LOAF

IMHO, Super Wing Commander got it right -- it was simply WC1 with newer graphics and speech. The gameplay itself felt exactly the same...
I have to agree with loaf, super Wing Commander was perfect. As for remakes. the only one I can think of that would be really good to do would be privateer. a straight remake would suck, but a remake with new missions and storyline after the original priv/RF finished would be cool.
I've both the Orginal Disk Versions of Wing Comander I and II (both of which I paid £1.25 for (each)), I can only play WC I with MoSlow and I can't play WC II, because of a Memory Prob (because it runs in DOS-Mode)
Originally posted by Darkmage
I have to agree with loaf, super Wing Commander was perfect...

OK, so how 'bout this:

...Anyone interested in porting (the already existing) SWC to Windows? :D

(That way, nothing new is being invented, it's just a matter of making it workable on another platform) .....
Tell you what preacher, if you know how to port a Mac game to windows, i will sell you my copy of SWC. I won't ask munch. Between $5-$10. What do you say?
who needs to port it, simply use a mac emulator, my uni has one for running some crappy maths program on p4's so i dont see what the difference is? u simply find a freeware mac emulator and stick in ya swc cd and off ya go!
Originally posted by Bobbo1701
Tell you what preacher, if you know how to port a Mac game to windows, i will sell you my copy of SWC. I won't ask munch. Between $5-$10. What do you say?

...I'm not a programmer, so ME doing a port ain't happenin'... However, I may be interested in your proposition.

As to other ideas, see the ones supplied by the posts that immediately followed your last one!
Why is it VDMSound hasn't had any impact? With it, I can now run WC2 and 3 on my AMD XP Windows XP system BETTER than on my Pentium 100 DOS mode system! That means full voices, hardware MIDI simulation, et cetera. I haven't tested it with Priv, but it should work!