Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

Is this in WCP or SO? Also please give the mission #. Finally is this a one time crash or does it happen every time?
Ah, sorry.
It's Prophecy, in the mission "H'hrass 2 : Relay Station Defense". It happened twice at the exact instant the red Manta is destroyed. No error message, just a quick sudden CTD.
I'm playing on the English GoG-version with the DVD-videos and the latest MUP-version is installed.
Ah, sorry.
It's Prophecy, in the mission "H'hrass 2 : Relay Station Defense". It happened twice at the exact instant the red Manta is destroyed. No error message, just a quick sudden CTD.
I'm playing on the English GoG-version with the DVD-videos and the latest MUP-version is installed.

thanks, I'll take a look.
Ran into a glitch running WCP. As soon as I launch for the 4th mission I get the following error message:

CapitalShip::loadComponents ships\pelican.iff: can't find hardpoint bridge_01_pelican.
Odd. I've made two further attempts on the mission and the crash doesn't occur anymore. I did the same things I had done on the first two.
Is it possible that I simply stumbled upon some sort of rare bug? (No pun intended)
Odd. I've made two further attempts on the mission and the crash doesn't occur anymore. I did the same things I had done on the first two.
Is it possible that I simply stumbled upon some sort of rare bug? (No pun intended)

it's likely a stability issue caused by objects that aren't able to be pre-cached. objects that jump in for example have to be loaded in real time causing occasional pauses or sometimes CTD issues. if you run into this again, it would be helpful if you could turn on the diagnostic mode in wcp or so and capture a log. it would help grim track down the issue.
Ran into a glitch running WCP. As soon as I launch for the 4th mission I get the following error message:

CapitalShip::loadComponents ships\pelican.iff: can't find hardpoint bridge_01_pelican.

hmmm. I'll check the export directory to make sure there's not some issue with the files, meantime, did you grab the latest release? .3a was terrible - i get to own that one because we tried to reintegrate the two branches between WCP and SO and it didn't go as well as I'd hoped. .3b is more stable.
it's likely a stability issue caused by objects that aren't able to be pre-cached. objects that jump in for example have to be loaded in real time causing occasional pauses or sometimes CTD issues. if you run into this again, it would be helpful if you could turn on the diagnostic mode in wcp or so and capture a log. it would help grim track down the issue.

Objects jumping in is a good point.
I could try taking out the red Manta before the Panthers jump in and then again after they jumped in and see in which case the CTD occurs.

By the way: How can diagnostic mode in Prophecy and SO be turned on? And where are the logs saved?
hmmm. I'll check the export directory to make sure there's not some issue with the files, meantime, did you grab the latest release? .3a was terrible - i get to own that one because we tried to reintegrate the two branches between WCP and SO and it didn't go as well as I'd hoped. .3b is more stable.

How can I check which version I have? I downloaded the one linked latest in this thread, still crashing on the mission.
Hello fellow MUPians,

Firstly a big thank you to everyone for voting us fan project of the year! We had stiff competition this year with many worthy projects so it means alot to all of us working on this project. We have some changes coming this year, and our goal for this year is to get the MUP to a stable version 1 release. We're close on getting the main assets converted, and I think this is an attainable goal for the team.

  • JOB OPENING - The MUP team is looking for one person to help us out as a release tester. There's an old saying about QAing your own work (well, maybe there isn't but it's still a bad idea) The job shouldn't take more than a few hours of your time as we package up releases for general distribution. You'd be working with the MUP team to identify bugs in ship files, graphical issues, and game-balance between WCP and SO. If you're interested please PM me or nudge me on the Discord modding channel.

  • Release 4 : We've begun work on converting assets for release 4. This package will include:
    • TCS Midway Midway1.jpg
    • Kilrathi Corvette KCorvette_Fin1.jpg
    • Derelict Fralthi DerelictFralthi.jpg
    • Hydra Cruiser WCP_MUP_Hydra_Promo_Jpeg.jpg
    • Triton Transport
    • Game balance issues between WCP and SO
      • Ship file branching between games to ensure proper behavior
      • Ship file review to ensure proper hardpoints exist
Once again - thanks to all you wing nuts for keeping this going. and here's to a great 2018!
Hello Wingnuts! I wanted to take a minute and read out a status check on the next release. The team is targeting the end of May for the next release, we've filled our tester role and are currently working on the capship assets as those take the most time, but also on some smaller, but no less important additions like the alien cap ship missile and the mine. The package is shaping up with all the assets and features listed in the last post and, if time permits, we'll try and add in at least one Confed station - most likely the Commfac.

But to whet your appetite - here are a few work in progress screens...

Alien Capmiss:

Kilrathi Corvette:
BastardKorvette4.jpg BastardKorvette6.jpg BastardKorvette2.jpg

Derelict Fralthi II:
derelict1.jpg derelict3.jpg derelict2.jpg

Fralthi Derelict in-game shots:
FralthiII1.jpg FralthiII2.jpg FralthiII3.jpg FralthiII4.jpg
Last edited:
Looking very pretty indeed. Except the Kilrathi corvette. For some reason, when you take a flat, primitive angular design and add more polys to it, the result is still flat, primitive and angular. How strange, that.

Actually, though there is no canonical justification for it, I would utterly love to see someone take that corvette and remodel it into something that might have appeared in the WC1/2/Priv era. You know, with those angled wings being rounded and tapered into big blade shapes, and the bridge smoothly blending into the central strut.
Looking very pretty indeed. Except the Kilrathi corvette. For some reason, when you take a flat, primitive angular design and add more polys to it, the result is still flat, primitive and angular. How strange, that.

I think there's something about the viewer that exaggerates the effect. It looks pretty good in the gameplay shot.
Yes, the viewer flattens objects because of the uniform lighting. But my point wasn't so much that it doesn't look good, but just the fact that you really can't do that much with such an angular design :).
Update time true believers!

Today we are showcasing another great Nephilim ship brought to you by Dark Sentinel. The Triton (aka Leatherback) transport. Essentially a giant cigar case with guns, DS has done a great job making it look more like the original concept art, good and buggy! He's also bringing spines back. That's right spines! This ship is loaded with them! If you don't like spines, go home! Also I got the fun part of blowing it up, and so can you! Look for this and other exciting Nephilim additions in the next patch - Coming soon!

Get your goods where they need to go on six legs!

Triton1.jpg Triton2.jpg Triton3.jpg Triton4.jpg Triton5.jpg Triton6.jpg

To quote Zero - "Ah! Easy! That is one dead capship!"
TritonHulk1.jpg TritonHulk2.jpg TritonHulk3.jpg TritonHulk4.jpg
I'd insert a joke about releasing products that are full of bugs, but I suspect that one already got old within a few weeks of WCP's original release ;).

As always, lovely!
Having a roadmap would by really great, so that I can see what piece of work you are working on and what percentage of the work you have already done and how many percent of the work is still left.
Having a roadmap would by really great, so that I can see what piece of work you are working on and what percentage of the work you have already done and how many percent of the work is still left.
We do have something of a roadmap though really it's more of a status tracker at this stage. Basically we set a loose time box and commit to what we intend to get done within that box. It's sort of a (Fr)Agile development mode right now. Anyway, attached is the current state of the MUP.

