Wing Commander Invasion

The terminology associated with the Diamondbacks, Black Widows and Wolfpack in Prophecy were different than what you might be used to. Each of these three 'wings' contained several of what you might refer to as 'squadrons'.
You're right, its never mentioned in a WC game that I can remember of how many fighters are in a squadron, though according to the WC4 novel it was increased from 12 to 16 fighters by Tolwyn to maintain full strength while "downsizing" on paper. I actually had to refer back to the Prophecy manual and it does state the different "wings" used multiple fighters (3-4-3 respectively).
I poked through the XML files and noticed those, though I know better than to play with things like that since they're not one of my many talents :(. On a side note, I deleted my original upgrade from 1.5 to 2.0, then did a fresh install. The same bugs I noticed before are still present, I was kinda hoping it was something I didnt overwrite correctly the first time ;). That being said, you and the other modders that are making or have made quality projects deserve more praise for keeping this genre alive until someone creates another retail product worth playing.

Its definately not something you've done Gimpy. The dreadnoughts weapons have been sorted out. Seems I added a damage value to the hardpoint entries and not the projectiles. The Snakier had the wrong projectile name so hence had nothing to fire with. The starbase will be tackled today as I think its one of those staring-you-in-the-face-but-you-can't-see-it problems.
Hey I was wondering, since you put the movie Snakier in there... how about he Confed Supercruiser? I've been dying for someone to make that a playable ship somewhere.
Well for that I would require some good reference shots of the ship itself. I know that someone over on Scifi meshes forum was in the process of building one, but I've not seen any updates in quite some time.
I've had the opportunity to play 2.0 with the patch, works like a charm. It still seems like the dreadnought's front arc railguns are still a little short in firing range, so I peeked in the kilrathi hardpoints xml and found this:

<HardPoint Name="HP_DREADNOUGHT_MAIN_02">


Under the other railgun (and energy weapons in general) entries ive found, most of them are 1500. Is the 900 correct?
Hmmmm, seems you've found a small error. I think that was put in before I had started messing with the projectiles themselves. If you notice it still uses the original projectile for the vengeance so the values been tweaked.

Theres nothing stopping you from editing this if you like though. It won't actually damage the game in any way. Just remember to chnage the value in the hardpoint above: HP_DREADNOUGHT_MAIN_01

Thanks for that link Chris. Good ol' AD always seems to come up trumps with this sort of reference material.
Assuming 1500 is the norm, I found hardpoints on both dreadnought types, Kavor, Shivier, and most of the Confederation cap ships that needed a tweek ( I was a good little wingnut and didnt touch the fighters as tempting as it was ). Also, I changed all the missile hardpoints up to the same range. By the way, thanks for the nod in the patch instructions :cool:
Gimpy. When a mod player finds a bug or provides useful information then it helps said mod. Theres no telling how long that indestructable hardpoint would have remained before I found it. I have always attempted to keep a complete record of where crediting goes for ANY mod I've done.
I just had a thought that may or may not be feasible, in several instances Confed and the Kilrathi have captured ships and used them against their former faction. Could Zahn's bribe ability be used by say Marine shuttles of both sides in space maps? Depending if that can be implemented, another little idea was the use of the self destruct ability also by a Marine craft. From Fleet Action and Standoff's use of them (which was a great mission), the use of that would be a great counter to the spamming of dreadnought's and other large warships by "sabotage boardings".
Hmmmm, interesting idea and one I'll definately look into at some point.

You'd probably want to make the Hero ships immune to this kind of thing though. Good lord, I remember in Homeworld when I played multiplayer, nothing pissed my oponents off more then the fact that I only had a small escort fleet and all the nebulas were filled with salvage corvettes. I built my fleet by stealing from my enemies and they HATED IT!
Good lord, I remember in Homeworld when I played multiplayer, nothing pissed my oponents off more then the fact that I only had a small escort fleet and all the nebulas were filled with salvage corvettes. I built my fleet by stealing from my enemies and they HATED IT!

Conquest Frontier Wars was another little gaming nugget of goodness where you could capture enemy ships with marines. Nothing like stealing someones thunder by capturing all their heavy hitters and throwing them back at them or parade them in front of them till they do something stupid :D.
Conquest Frontier Wars was another little gaming nugget of goodness where you could capture enemy ships with marines. Nothing like stealing someones thunder by capturing all their heavy hitters and throwing them back at them or parade them in front of them till they do something stupid :D.

EXACTLY!!! I wouldn't even bother using cloak. I'd send in the six heavy cruiser I stole out in plain sight so the enemy could see what was about to kill him.
So i had a chance to play around again - firstly i like that the non "game canon" ships are basically special units, and the reduced fighter numbers are good (no longer can 6 durango's easily defeat a level 1 space station!)

however, the AI is kaputt completely for me (stopped working on my 1.5 version too (didnt upgrade, new folder) which is a shame really as this could provide serious fun!
Madman. Don't worry about the AI as I know its extremely assanine in the way it works. There is an AI expert in the community who is attempting to work towards a highly agressive AI, but theres no telling how long this may take. When the new space props are added to a handful of maps I'll see if I can do something with the AI. Perhaps consult with a few other people on the matter and see what they say.
Heh, I wasn't whinging about it so much as commenting - as i say last time i ran version 1.5 it worked and now it doesnt - i'm just confused!

One thing i did notice was that the galactic conquest kind of works (although it's insanely difficult due to the cost/strength of vehicles) which is cool.

As commented earlier the ships broadsiding by choice is wierd, as it often stops carriers fighting at all. The result is that fighters are still the key element in any battle (especially bombers with the ability to fire through shields) it might be worth giving cap ships a torpedo hardpoint each so as to increase their efficiency in capship battles (also possibly increasing their ability to take out fighters but thats not necessarily a problem).
As commented earlier the ships broadsiding by choice is wierd, as it often stops carriers fighting at all.

Its quite annoying in the BSG Colonial Mod I have as the Colonial ships are dependent on heavy frontal weaponry that becomes useless and the Cylons just pound the crap outta them with missiles, all the while I'm yelling multiple curses at them ;).