Wing Commander Holy Grails

Hello all, I would just like to ask if there is any chance of us "regular joes" getting a copy of WCP DVD? What did mr. Ben "Bandit" Lesnick really mean with
"We should have WCP DVD really soon, though!"?

Thanks a lot.
Hi Ed, bye Ed.

As with any obscure Wing Commander material we discover, you'll all get copies as soon as I do.
Looks like. I got the generic you-are-Hitler e-mail (literally) from Mr. Filho because I closed the soccer thread he was stupiding up... so he's in a penalty box.
I expected more from Ed. Banned or not, he never struck me as one to stoop so low as outright trolling or posting dupe accounts.
I did, too, really. In the past he's just made stupid mistakes, he hasn't been a bad person... but soccer really did a number on him.
This is yet another reason why I watch New York Mets Baseball