Wing Commander Games and Windows XP - A Summary

Got the same problems like you...

Try to use the Abandon Loader and set "Windows95-Compatibility" for WC3KS (and DON'T set VDMS).

With this programm i could play the first mission. But after the landing video with Rachel the game freezes again. Maybe you could skip this video by hidding ESC, but i didn't tested it.
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thwidra said:
Got the same problems like you...

Try to use the Abandon Loader and set "Windows95-Compatibility" for WC3KS (and DON'T set VDMS).

With this programm i could play the first mission. But after the landing video with Rachel the game freezes again. Maybe you could skip this video by hidding ESC, but i didn't tested it.

Didnt' even get that far. Right when I try to skip the intro movie, the game froze.
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ok well I just signed up for the forum, I also recently decided to install and play wc3 for the first time since I got my new computer with xp, now the game runs pretty well, and even the video's run pretty smoothly with just a little sound choppiness, but the real problem is that both music and sound effects are very choppy during game play, now I downloaded vdms, but I dunno if I am supposed to do anything else, when I try to run the sound test in install the music doesn;t play at all and the sound test is really REALLY choppy. is there a setting that I am missing or something that I didn;t do? also real quick I noticed that while using keyboard on all planes other than excalibur and arrow turning right and left takes really long, is there a way to speed up the maneuvering? or am I just stuck? sorry if this was already mentioned in here, but I read through the whole thing and I didn;t spot a fix for this particular problem, and by the way I am running original not kilrathi saga
orangefen said:
ok nevermind, I got it running, seems to be fine now, I guess I'll see how the whole game works out

Any suggestions for WC3KS working in XP?
I got some progress!

Ok, WC3KS, No Win2K update, set to 95 compatability mode...

Priority set to "Real Time"...

I finally got past the intro movies...
AND move from the flight deck into the control room!

BUUUT... when I clicked onto the control panet, freeze city!

I'm so close I can taste it!
Unregistered said:
I got some progress!

Ok, WC3KS, No Win2K update, set to 95 compatability mode...

Priority set to "Real Time"...

I finally got past the intro movies...
AND move from the flight deck into the control room!

BUUUT... when I clicked onto the control panet, freeze city!

I'm so close I can taste it!

trust me, when it comes to wc3 KS, you're never as close as you think you are :p

btw, do you reckon the realtime priority made it stabler?
baphomet_irl said:
trust me, when it comes to wc3 KS, you're never as close as you think you are :p

btw, do you reckon the realtime priority made it stabler?


I think the big clincher here is that my machine isn't looking at my CD drive when loading the next screen when the freeze happens....

If I had programming experience, I could attempt building a patch...

I really don't understand it...

From what I heard(I may be grossly wrong), WC3 and WC4 are extremely close in code and resource usage....

and WC4 works FLAWLESSLY...I can even have Netscape running, Trillian, hell, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop and Microsoft Word.... and switch between WC4, and any of those programs without any glicthiness...

but with WC3KS.... I have to practically shut down the rest of my programs and go into 'delicately mixing nitro' mode....

If I still had my original WC3 CD's I'd use those and probably get instant results....

Is there an E-bay auction currently? Or anyone with an extra copy?
Hey man... I'm having the exact same troubles with my WC3:KS.... I can get past the intro movies but once I start talking to people and moving around on ship it freezes.... it's frustrating the fire out of me. I've tried every trick I've read to get it going but none of them are working... let me know if you find anything that gives you some success with that.

Okay, I ordered the classic WC3, in hopes that the original version will fix these issues.

It was a rather cheap price, so I'm not too worried about it not working...

But to all you patch makers out there: PLEASE start on a WC3 KS XP patch! :)
hey sorry i didn't respond earlier, I simply got mine working fine by copying all the files from the cd to my hard drive and then running it with vdms, however I am experiencing a problem when it comes to changing cd's after the biowarhead mission and I rescue flint, I get the "please insert CD2 screem" so I insert CD2 and click, but it just says that it is the incorrect CD, so now I'm workin on that, I already tried deleting the whole thing and running it like normal from the cd, but that doesn't even let me load up the game, gives me that missing sound file error that was mentioned before, I'm working on it though, does anybody know a way to make the game look for game files on my hard drive in stead of the cd's?
orangefen said:
hey sorry i didn't respond earlier, I simply got mine working fine by copying all the files from the cd to my hard drive and then running it with vdms, however I am experiencing a problem when it comes to changing cd's after the biowarhead mission and I rescue flint, I get the "please insert CD2 screem" so I insert CD2 and click, but it just says that it is the incorrect CD, so now I'm workin on that, I already tried deleting the whole thing and running it like normal from the cd, but that doesn't even let me load up the game, gives me that missing sound file error that was mentioned before, I'm working on it though, does anybody know a way to make the game look for game files on my hard drive in stead of the cd's?

Sounds like you have to use a 'virtual CD' program of some sort...

a few years back they were really popular...

and this is the KS version? Anyways, by next week I'll have tested WC3 NON KS and see if I get results...
orangefen said:
ok well I just signed up for the forum, I also recently decided to install and play wc3 for the first time since I got my new computer with xp, now the game runs pretty well, and even the video's run pretty smoothly with just a little sound choppiness, but the real problem is that both music and sound effects are very choppy during game play, now I downloaded vdms, but I dunno if I am supposed to do anything else, when I try to run the sound test in install the music doesn;t play at all and the sound test is really REALLY choppy. is there a setting that I am missing or something that I didn;t do? also real quick I noticed that while using keyboard on all planes other than excalibur and arrow turning right and left takes really long, is there a way to speed up the maneuvering? or am I just stuck? sorry if this was already mentioned in here, but I read through the whole thing and I didn;t spot a fix for this particular problem, and by the way I am running original not kilrathi saga

Hold the shift button down when you turn. Usually making sure you have hardware acceleration enabled for your sound card fixes a lot of the choppiness.

Unregistered said:
Sounds like you have to use a 'virtual CD' program of some sort...

a few years back they were really popular...

and this is the KS version? Anyways, by next week I'll have tested WC3 NON KS and see if I get results...

Yeah, I'd recommend people copy the CDs to their hard drives and maybe try to mount them with Daemon tools or something like that.
I ran WC3 on my XP with some chop with VDMS (Non-KS WC3 version). It just came down to setting up the settings for my computer and to run it in a reallly close DOS simulation. (By the way... You can run WC3 without VDMS but good like wiht the sound. You have to use the command prompt and create your own config and autoexec files to do so however...)
Unregistered said:

I think the big clincher here is that my machine isn't looking at my CD drive when loading the next screen when the freeze happens....

If I had programming experience, I could attempt building a patch...

I really don't understand it...

From what I heard(I may be grossly wrong), WC3 and WC4 are extremely close in code and resource usage....

and WC4 works FLAWLESSLY...I can even have Netscape running, Trillian, hell, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop and Microsoft Word.... and switch between WC4, and any of those programs without any glicthiness...

but with WC3KS.... I have to practically shut down the rest of my programs and go into 'delicately mixing nitro' mode....

If I still had my original WC3 CD's I'd use those and probably get instant results....

Is there an E-bay auction currently? Or anyone with an extra copy?

i have a similar experience - wc4 works perfect (so far) but wc3 is a nightmare :(