Wing Commander dream cast

LeHah said:
It was good - but I think it should've been titled some more along the lines of Bruce Wayne: The Movie. It gets a lot of things right and some things terribly wrong - but thats for another time.

The title is adequate, the movie is indeed about Bruce Wayne becoming Batman. The whole process takes time, so it makes sense the audience only gets to see the full batman later on. Even good movies get some things wrong. But this one was way better than the average. Every move makes some changes, the one on this didn't bother me.

If you are right about Nolan and action scenes, there can always be second units. At least he get the hard parts right.
Delance said:
If you are right about Nolan and action scenes, there can always be second units.

The second units and ADs obviously failed if I'm still complaining about the fight scenes in Batman Begins.
LeHah said:
The second units and ADs obviously failed if I'm still complaining about the fight scenes in Batman Begins.

:eek: .... (I assume you mean Assistant Director:) )
What was wrong with the fight scenes in Batman Begins
I thought they were alright? But then which scene are you refering to?
Did anyone think the movie was done better or just as good as the over Batman movies.
Batman and Batman Returns were good but Batman and Robin and Batman Forvever really sucked big time...
Well, there's a lot of over-the-top bland action movies out there, Batman Begins was more than that.