Who are the Hari?


They are an extincted race mentioned in the WCP guide. Are they mentioned in any WC novel? Does anyone know something about them? :confused:
They are mentioned almost everywhere. Keep reading novels and playing games, and elightened you shall be.
Ignore Meson, he's stupid. The Hari are from the novel Fleet Action -- they're a race the Kilrathi conquered many years ago... and rather than live under Kilrathi rule, they all killed themselves.

They were a hive-like insect race that would travel from planet to planet using up all resources... their importance relating to WC is that they left a huge area (>< 1000 stars) of 'useless' territory... which the Kilrathi used to build their Hakaga heavy carriers.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
They were a hive-like insect race that would travel from planet to planet using up all resources... their importance relating to WC is that they left a huge area (>< 1000 stars) of 'useless' territory...

1000 stars? That's quite a lot... are those systems under Kilrathi control, or are they so useless now that they're uninhabited?

Another interesting thing about them, is that they never discovered jump technology. Instead, they used huge Ark-like ships that traveled at sub-light speeds, and took lifetimes to travel between the stars. When they finished consuming all the resources of their planets they`d take a few thousands of representatives of their race, loaded them back into their ships, leaving the rest to die on the exausted planet, and traveled to the next system...

Very efficiant...
Originally posted by Mad Hatter
...they`d take a few thousands of representatives of their race, loaded them back into their ships, leaving the rest to die on the exausted planet...

That, combined with the fact that they all commited suicide upon being defeated by the Kilrathi... whoa, these guys didn't have much respect for life :eek:

Are there a lot of races in WC Universe? I mean, I met the Kilrathi, the Nephilim, we know things about the Hari, the Db Helix...
The Dioscuri are the race from Wing Commander Academy that throught the Kilrathi were the "Lords of the Sky" (in the episode "Lords of the Sky").

There are *plenty* of races mentioned in WC...

As for the thousand stars in Hari space... they're useless resource wise, since all their planets are burnt out husks. They helped hide a secret fleet in Fleet Action, though...
Originally posted by Eder

That, combined with the fact that they all commited suicide upon being defeated by the Kilrathi... whoa, these guys didn't have much respect for life :eek:


As in hari-kari? :)
There are a lot of races in he universe.A great deal come from the novels Action Station and Fleet Action.There are four new sentient races from Wing Commander Academy.
In no particular order, here is every sentient race mentioned in the Wing universe:
Star Gods(true identity unknown)
Double Helix
Alien(unamed, from WCA episode recreation).
--------------------Speculative Races---------------
Scylla builders.It has been theorized that Scylla may have been constructed by an ancient race and is an artifact.Who these aliens are-if indeed Scylla is artificial- is unknown.The particles from Scylla originate in another universe.How that ties into the Artifact theory is the subject of debates.
P2 Aliens-according to Tri-system legend there was an ancient warlike race whose commander-in-chief was Shaftus Destructivus(you can't get much more evil than that).You can read more about this in the public records.
P2 Alien2-the reamains of an ancient fossilized creature were found on Hades.It perhaps lived millions of years ago,but it was a highly intelligent being.
Karatikus aliens-remains of a highly advanced civilization on Karatikus was found.The terraforming accident may have been caused by the remnants of technology left here.
Unidentifiable Aliens.Mentioned briefly in a newscast at Sinners Inn.Reports of ship disappering have increased.Reports of Aliens with technology similar to that found on Karatikus have also increased.
The humanoids;Well,to ConFed the people of the Tri-system are Aliens and vice-versa.
Of course there are a lot more races never mentioned.
I don't think I missed anything,but if I did ,or you have some commentary on this subject ,go ahead and post it.
Originally posted by Mad Hatter
Another interesting thing about them, is that they never discovered jump technology. Instead, they used huge Ark-like ships that traveled at sub-light speeds, and took lifetimes to travel between the stars. When they finished consuming all the resources of their planets they`d take a few thousands of representatives of their race, loaded them back into their ships, leaving the rest to die on the exausted planet, and traveled to the next system...

Very efficiant...

So, the Kilrathi are good guys compared with the Hari...