Which Confed Uniform do you like?

Which Confed Uniform do u like?

I have always woundered what Confed Uniform i would like to wear if i was a pilot aboard a Carrier.

Out of All:
WC Movie
WC 1

I truly say that i love the Wing Commander 4 Confed uniforms.
WC4 uniforms are very good, just for a rich navy :)
But the space jeans from WCI also have a space in my heart
Originally posted by Ghost
WC4 uniforms are very good, just for a rich navy :)
But the space jeans from WCI also have a space in my heart

Everything that's blue must be jeans! ... on stupid planet.
The WCIV uniforms were too starchy. I do love the WCIII ones but they're just janitor's overalls with patches sown on them. So I'll take Tolwyn's uniform from the movie. I'll take that. :)
The WC1 uniforms gave you that "flying by the seat of your pants" feel about them, very informal. I'd haave to say a tossup between WC1 and the WC4 uniforms. How about the WC4 uniforms for dress and the WC1 uniforms for flight-line, everyday duty?
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Lev's Privateer outfit.

Good call LOAF. I still like the WC3 uniforms the best though. They look dingy and dirty and fit with the run down atmosphere of the Victory.
My memory is a bit fuzzy, but I'm surprised no one's mentioned WCP's uniforms yet - I think their flight suits were pretty shnazzy.

I also like WC2's flight suit, although that 'backpack' thingy ought to get annoying after a while, even if it is for essential life support or whatever. I also liked how there was a 'normal' uniform and the dress uniform Blair wears when facing Tolwyn at the start and Jazz at the end.

WC4 also look brilliant, but of course, that just shows the budget of the film. (Do you really think they had time to iron their uniforms all the time?)
Originally posted by Wedge009
WC4 also look brilliant, but of course, that just shows the budget of the film. (Do you really think they had time to iron their uniforms all the time?)
Well, peace time militaries do tend to be into spit and polish in a big way, so I wouldn't put it past them :D As for the Black Lance, if they had put as much emphasis on learning to fight people who actually shoot back as they did on their tailoring, the conflict might have turned out better for them. [Evil Grin.]

Seriously, I like the WC3's worn around the edges look.

Best, Raptor