Where did we first see the Confederation symbol


You know that symbol of an eight point star in a circle that looks like a jump point and alot like Origins symbol
I was wondering where they first started using it. I don't think it was there in 1 and 2, but I did see it on the side of a ship in WC 3.

Peace cannot be kept by force, it must be achieved through understanding.
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I think it was in WC3 too but I'm not sure.

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars
It first appears for sure in Secret Missions 2, although a carefull examination may reveal that it was rendered onto the original WC1 ships before they were bitmapized.

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
(loaf@wcnews.com - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG
That Confed. eight point star symbol is also on the Marshal Islands Flag.

I fight on the side of peace and honor, just like Blair
The first place I remember seeing it is on Victory Streak, and the fighter foldout card that came with WC3.

"Building ships, harvesting and transporting Flowers, cooking up the Protoculture, and assembling weapons systems just hadn't been enough for them. Not when word had gotten around that the Terrans' homeworld had fallen to the Invid. Jack liked it-the loyalty and Espirit de Corps, the Sentinels' way with payback." -- Robotech: The Sentinels #5, 'Rubicon'
You can also sort of see a yellow star symbol on the fin at the fore end of the concordia on the bottom side. I think the same thing was also on the waterloo class as well.
The Yellow Star is the 14th fleet logo, IIRC.

The first place more recent fans may recall the Confed logo may be at Perry Naval base in Privateer.

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
(loaf@wcnews.com - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG
Here, just to add a visual aid, you can see that the star on the Concordia was DEFINATELY not the Confed logo.



"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
I think the first place i saw it was on WC3 as well..

I've seen smarter things..

Here's a better one.


Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars
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Guys, how did you get those images? I've been trying to make a wood model of the concordia from scratch and I've found it difficult to do so because lack of resource. I'd love to get my hands on pictures from that animated scene in SO2 Earthworm, can you send me some? Just some pictures of it coming up to the camera then going over like the one you posted. That would be much easier to look at than watching the whole cutscene 30 times just to get a glimpse of the connie...

Oh, my email address is com_antilles@hotmail.com

[This message has been edited by Terrorizer (edited January 06, 2000).]
Yeah, but I wanted a picture out of the game engine that showed the star straight on, (plus I wanted it small... what's the point of posting a picture if it takes a long time to load?)


"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
If you have wc2 just get the ship viewer, pick random ships (I have a sort of index that I made that tells which ship is which file... I didn't make it comprehensive because I was just looking for the Conc and the Ferrit. I'll send it to you if you'd like. Then you can take screenshots from all he bitmaps that were used in the game engine... (hit print screen and paste into paint or something similar)


"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
It does? It loads at a normal speed on a 28K modem plus although you can't see the whole thing it is biger and easier to see. If you want me to I'll delete it.

Terrorizer I can give you a lot of pictures of the Concordia. I'll either send them to you tomorow or I'll upload them to my site and send you the link.

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars
Maybe you should start a new post about this..

I've seen smarter things..

Ummm... why would a new thread be started... We always have topic drift, this case is less drastic than many.


"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
About what? Pictures of the Concordia?

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars
The ship viewer isn't working very well. The colors are all wrong and it's very dark. It looks like I will need you to give me those pictures earthworm.