where could I get......

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....the WC games that play with CD-ROM and Windows instead of DOS? Do they make these? I thought they did......but wasn't sure.
You speak of Kilrathi Saga, the most sacred and holy of all Wing Commander games. A finite amount was produced, something along the lines of 25,000 and no more since. Good luck finding one, as they fetch for about $150 easy on Ebay.
Kilrathi Saga is WC1/2/3 but WC4 can be played in Windows, and a version of PRivateer 2 as well as Prophecy and Secret Ops.
There were plenty of copies of KS produced -- in *two* production runs... you people just didn't bother to buy it when it was available.
"YOU people?" That's a mite insulting LOAF, considering extenuating circumstances far out of my control kept me from purchasing it...
I kind of agree with LeHah on that. It's not insulting that KS was sold in stores, it's insulting that you classify people who don't have KS as YOU people. We all have our reasons for not buying when it came out; some already have WC1/2/3 so didn't want to spend the money on buying a new one. Some people weren't into WC when it came out. Some people may have been in a country where it was touggh to get. Just saying we didn't bother to buy it is wrong. I personally wouldn't buy a collection of games I already had. Who would've known it would be a collectors item. Apparently, KS wasn't too big as in the PC Gamer with the KS WC1 on it, it says something about the game on the disc being from a little known release known as "The Kilrathi Saga".

It does suck that some people missed out on it. I'm not saying we should be treated special. I'm sorry i'm not as "cool" as you and ran out and bought 40 copies of it. The rest of us, whatever our reason for not buying it, are hitting ourselves in the head right now.
None of those are reasons to blame anyone but yourself, though. It's not the universes fault that you didn't do something when you had the chance -- nothing is more annoying than those people who rant and rave because they're not being treated *fairly* in such silly situations.
I agree with you LOAF. One of my ethics on life is "Blame Yourself or God". I only have myself to blame for not grabbing KS; if I had known that it would've been so rare, I'd've gone out of my way for the game.

Still, I don't like you calling us YOU PEOPLE. That to me translates like you're talking down to me and all the other people that didn't get KS, and that's rather mean. You know I wouldn't get into a moral issue like this with you LOAF, since we talk on AIM too much and because I respect, if not remain in awe, of your WC knowledge, but this is an exception, since I see it as valid. Admittingly, validity is not an absolute but I think everyone can get where I'm coming from. I hope I don't end up swabbing the deck for this, man.

[Edited by LeHah on 07-06-2001 at 00:13]
well i want to get a KS, but where i live (El Salvador, Central America) is really hard to get cool games, and the only way to get them is by ordering them by mail (and they can be stole on the mailing service, YEAH They can be stole) orby going up the the USA and but them, worst of all, we got internet down her in 1999 so I didn't know the game existed (KS couse I did manage to get a copy of WC1, WC! secret mision 1 and 2, WC2, WC2 espacial operation 1 and 2 (but all my diskette got infected by virus) and WC3, BTW, i'm wating to my mom to come back with a copy of WC4 abd WCP, I coud manage to download WCPSO, and until now I know about WC armada, Privatee, Privateer 2, and Academy, I hope I can get those too.

so is not that I did't buy them, I just knew about them wend i discover this cool web page.

Keep the good work on this page, I congratulate you for a page like this, I have learn a lot of WC on this page
Originally posted by LeHah
Still, I don't like you calling us YOU PEOPLE. That to me translates like you're talking down to me and all the other people that didn't get KS, and that's rather mean.
No, it translates into grouping everyone who failed to purchase KS and now whines about it into a unit that can be addressed with one statement, which is hardly talking down to you. You're the one WHO PUT IT IN ITALIC CAPS and assigned some terrible snobbery to it, and that's your fault, not LOAF's. There was no derision in LOAF's intent.

When I tell you you're stupid for reading too much into his words and getting all huffy over nothing, that's talking down to you.

[Edited by Frosty on 07-06-2001 at 04:19]
Thanks for talking down to me, Frosty.

Can I go back to my building blocks now? :p
LeHah, if you can think of a better way to refer to a group of people besides "you people" I'd love to hear it. This is what I interpreted LOAF's statement as: him referring to the group of people that didn't buy Kilrathi Saga when it was available. You guys are the ones that capitilized all the letters, put it in italics, and kept quoting it out of context to make LOAF look bad.

Second, Frosty wasn't talking down to you. Did you even read what he wrote?
I was just messing with Frosty.

As for LOAF, I itallcized it because it was a quote and because I was putting stress on that term. I still think LOAF coulda come across as a bit...well...nicer.
All of you shouldn't take it so serious. Nobody here tries to make anyone look bad. I think that wasn't in LeHah's mind. Second, I also read Frosty's post, and I'd also say he was talking in general not special to LeHah even if it can be interpreted that way (normally I also think that if somebody quotes me). But it wasn't definitely in context that it was so. Third is this situation a very good example how out of a normal debate and a normal not-bad meant comment (LOAF's) can become a bad discussion. Please all take it that way. Sometimes there are bad pills,which should be taken as they're because saying anything about it, makes the situation mostly even more worse (own experience). So please let that discussion fall down now, before it'll really become bad.
But I know such posts are ignored. Please no argument.
lol, sorry if i fell bad, now i know you did't mean it, english is my secondary lenguage so i apologyce, bte if you find a WC:KS that is under 70 buck play let me know, is really imposible to me to pay that much
LeHah, don't bother trying to get a rational response. Its a bit like where Blair sticks up for Maniac when Dekker is about to punch him up. Flyboys (and in this case, flag officers, stick together).
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