What's the ratio of male-female WC fans?

Yeah computer games are just one of the interests you might share. It shouldn't an important factor on a relationship.

Unless of course you own a lot of WC uniforms, helmets and that kind of thing. :rolleyes:
You know who'd like that hip, mod helmet from the cover of Action Stations?

The hip, mod chick from the cover of German Action Stations!


As an EVIL GUY watches EVILY through an EVIL SPACE WINDOW.
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Yeah, the fact that you GF likes videogames or not is not very important. you can play games when she's not around. works with me. But if she's not a VG fan, you'd better avoid playing while she's around!
Well... I think there's certainly an appreciable (and even romantic) notion that you'd like your significant other to share the same things that you find important - be they Wing Commander or... whatever it is kids these days do.
Agreed, but if one has presented WC to his/her significant other and she/he didn't really like it, well, better try my advice.
Lynx said:
Valkyrie is female, too. But she doesn't show up here very often.

Hey, you know me :)

Well, I read the new board topics around one or two times a week, but I don´t have much to say.

Hm I think "Excell" is female, too. She´s registered here since a year, I suppose. And she is german like me, or austrian, I don´t know it exactly right now.

But males are the overwhelming force in wc-fandom... *g*(but we fly better...;) )

I find that female pilots have better accuracy though and more finesse. A girl I know can fly rings around AT-ATs like no other...
Haesslich said:
Don't forget Monee, she of the WC Pilot's Uniform 'How-to' pictures.

I just want to state for the record that Monee probably couldn't be called a 'fan.' She's never played any of the Wing Commander games, and wouldn't know about them at all if I hadn't brought her to the 2002 D*C. The flightsuit thing she saw as a delightful project for her to work on, as opposed to being a labor of love that any serious WC fan would see it as.
To be honest, I didn't expect to find even *this* many female WC fans. I know this is a stereotype, but it really does seem true - that women are more likely to be attracted to cute or non-violent things.

Take Ragnarok Online, f'instance - it's got a larger group of femplayers (and not to mention a massive group of crossdressers) compared to the WC community, because they're attracted to the cutsey graphics and (usually) bright, cheery feel (Not to mention the pet system). Guys still play the game because it's an MMORPG at its core (... and not to mention that female classes, in general, wear next to nothing).

Comparing that to Wing Commander, there isn't really much for them to get excited about. Except maybe the fluffy kitties in space ships bent on the destruction of the human race. I guess it goes back to that study they did about kids and toys - when put in a room with action figures and baby dolls, most girls will go for the latter and most guys will go for the former...
Valkyrie said:
Hey, you know me :)
But males are the overwhelming force in wc-fandom... *g*(but we fly better...;) )

Wait until the WCSaga mod who has MP is ready. Then we will find out... :cool:
I though I saw a girl once.............

It just turned out to be a cleverly turnip.

Better than Mr. Hamill, all the cute chicks in SW are related to him lol.