What was it about WC:P?

Originally posted by junior

What WAS probably a bug was the fact that they could be targeted (but not killed) before they were fired.

'Scuse me, but how do you target a missile BEFORE it's even fired (unless it's hanging off a pylon at an external hardpoint, which AFAIK don't happen with capship's missiles)?...

Didja mean to say "after" it's fired?... 'Splain yerself...

(In any event, BTW, said bug does suck. Why bother enabling ya 2 target something ya can't kill?...)
Originally posted by Preacher

'Scuse me, but how do you target a missile BEFORE it's even fired (unless it's hanging off a pylon at an external hardpoint, which AFAIK don't happen with capship's missiles)?...

Didja mean to say "after" it's fired?... 'Splain yerself...

(In any event, BTW, said bug does suck. Why bother enabling ya 2 target something ya can't kill?...)

The cap ship missiles in that mission apparently exist before they're fired (which occurs when the cap ship is neutralized). They just sit in place with an invulnerability tag activated until they actually fire. IIRC, at least the first time I played that mission, their coordinates were also apparently slightly off, and they were actually just outside the cap ship, and thus completely visible to anyone who wanted to take pot shots at them (specifically me, since everything else ignores them).

On a side note, that was one of my least favorite missions. Not only did the stupid capship missiles bug me, but during either my first or second play through, I fired a missile at a bug fighter, the bug was killed by something else, and the missile continued to circle around the spot where the bug had died. Eventually, a Confed fighter hit the thing and blew up, and I got the traitor ending.
I think that was intentional... you were supposed to be able to see the missiles outside the ship... but not blow them up until they were fired.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
I think that was intentional... you were supposed to be able to see the missiles outside the ship... but not blow them up until they were fired.

That seems just a little odd.
Any explanation for that one? Admittedly, it gives you warning that one of those periodic yellow dots on your radar might be a capship missile, but I would have figured that a panicked transmission from the station would have been a much better way to do that.
Originally posted by junior

That seems just a little odd.
Any explanation for that one? Admittedly, it gives you warning that one of those periodic yellow dots on your radar might be a capship missile, but I would have figured that a panicked transmission from the station would have been a much better way to do that.

Could be that the CapMiss launcher on the bug ship couldn't launch missles as fast as they would have liked it to. A very plausible solution to this would be to cold dump the CapMiss' outside the ship (but still in the protective barrier of the shields) until there are enough there for your strike. Then remotely light them off towards the target. I guess there would be a problem with my explaination if you knocked out the shield emitters and still weren't able to damage the torps, but oh well, it's an explaination :) .

Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Eh, beats just having the missiles *appear* magically :)

You mean like all the OTHER missiles in the game?


I still remember one time playing through WC2 when a Kilrathi fighter I was pounding away on launched a missile while I was shooting the fighter. I was VERY disappointed when I couldn't detonate the missile under his wing...


Viper, the cap ship missiles are launched one at a time. Considering that's the only instance of capship missiles that we see launched in the game, I don't think it would be THAT difficult to code the launcher to work properly. Of course, they might have felt that it wasn't worth the bother to code an entirely new weapon on the ship when said weapon was only being used once.
CSMs are significantly larger than fighter-based missiles (G) You can... see them and target them and stuff...
I remember the cap-miss hunting mission in WCP, my first WC game. I always ended up crashing into one (That's not easy!):rolleyes:
Actually, it is pretty easy... but only if you really intended to run into one. :)

Although, I suppose one of the Luyten Station defence missions in SO has capship missiles which might be easier to accidentally collide with (it's quite a melee, after all).
For me it was the new graphics egine and finally an easy to use chase view. But I did miss the choices in conversations.
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