What to play in the 21st century? advice needed

talking of online games, Have u ever play Heavy Gear 2, is not a space sim, but you got mission on space, they are cool, beacuse you got no friction at all and you have to handle your gear diferent than wend you are playin on land, cool game you know, and it got one of the best internet server I have ever know.

you can check here for more info


[Edited by 15th Rampage on 07-16-2001 at 12:10]
Decision Time

Well after looking around for the suggested games at CD stores and reading reviews, I went with the tried and true Privateer 2.
I once owned this game but promptly took it back because at the time i had a 486 DX4 100, but it needed a Pentium 75 (everyone who clearly remembers the P1 and how damn awesome they were when they came out raise your hand! ). So i'm giving the old girl another shoot on my 1 GHz. I got the deluxe ed. for win95 so all is well.

thanks to all, now we need a multiplayer privateer patch hehe.

This WC Universe you speak of

This WCU that was mentioned, i'd like to know more. Which engines are you using? Are you re-modeling all the ships? I assume its an online style multi game.

My ICQ number is listed, please contact me, i might be of some help sense i've been in the wc univsrse sense '91.

If the WCU if the same i'm thinking about, it use vegas stike engien, the engien is cool, and i know this game will rock, BTW the Free Space 2 TC of Wing Commander will be back againg on line with a new 30 mission campaing, know is in state of development, so stay tune.
Originally posted by herb_co
I'm looking for a new game to play. In short i want a modren (win98) version of Privateer. So what games come to mind? Something where you are independent, have cash, freedom to do things ( at least a limited one) and most impornt the ability to buy and constumize ur ship and then blow the hell out of whatever you please.
Graphics arent a huge deal, but feel and gameplay are important to me. I really wish priv ran under win, but sense it doesnt i want something to take its place.


Well, maybe IW2. You do have some kind of freedom to do what you want and the graphics are neat. Though it isn't so atmosphereic, IMHO.
Originally posted by LeHah

Boy, I can't wait for JKII: Outcast!!! :-D
Yeah, Kyle Katarn is cool...

I still feel a certain nostalgia for Dark Forces... ;-)
Uh, Dark Forces. That game makes me naueous. Hell, all first-person shooters do. I get dizzy just thinking about DF... or Doom... or Descent... :(
Semper Fi, Wing Commander or Die...

But in the meanwhile... Echelon is great (beware, you need a moster PC to run it), XW:A is cool, but no Privateer, Starlancer almost hits the spot (nice try CR), X : Beyond the Frontier is nice, but strange, Free Space 2, not my kind of Universe.
I'm still waiting for I-War2 (big expectations), still not arrived at my country. And evidently, Freespace...
Originally posted by mpanty
Originally posted by LeHah

Boy, I can't wait for JKII: Outcast!!! :-D
Yeah, Kyle Katarn is cool...

I still feel a certain nostalgia for Dark Forces... ;-)

I haven't liked Dark Forces since DF2. The one thing I dislike about Star Wars is what everyone DOES like, and what is the whole basis of it. I hate the Force. I hate people who use the force. I dislike the Jedi. Kyle Katarn was cool because we wasn't a superhero, he was a regular guy.

The original Dark Forces was cool though. It's the only game I felt bad about killing someone in. There was a Gammorean guard just minding his own business when I run in and shot him to death. I really felt bad about it, and I don't know why.
Alas, I can't get into Starlancer. Every time I've tried to play it, I was left with the distinct impression that _somebody_ was very disappointed that the cold war never turned hot. I had enough red menace during the '80s to fill me for decades still to come.

-The Gneech
Originally posted by mpanty

Yeah, Kyle Katarn is cool...
I still feel a certain nostalgia for Dark Forces... ;-)

Yes, it was / is my favoutite ego-shooter. Jedi Knight was not bad either, especially cool was to play Darth Vader by using "Force Grip" :cool:

BTW, The_Gneech: That's the same way I felt about SL. Cool graphics but a horrible story.

[Edited by Mekt-Hakkikt on 07-16-2001 at 18:55]
A while back a game called Ares Rising came out. I've heard from some that it's crap, but it's made by some of the same team that made Privateer, so...

Another ggame that retains the "business" element, well, you can't go wrong with MW2:Mercenaries. :D
Just a little correction. In a earlier post I've said
"And evidently, Freespace... ", I wanted to say Freelancer... Evidently.
Originally posted by The_Gneech
Alas, I can't get into Starlancer. Every time I've tried to play it, I was left with the distinct impression that _somebody_ was very disappointed that the cold war never turned hot. I had enough red menace during the '80s to fill me for decades still to come.

I agree completely, Starlancer's story is so damn unimpressive.... I think this game is the biggest waste of a perfectly good game engine I have seen in a long while... I really like it's physics, gameplay, and looks... but that universe, and that story... argh!

Try Diablo 2 LOD (isn´t a space sim game ) :)
Is the only game that i play in this time.

[Edited by Ghost on 07-16-2001 at 23:31]
Originally posted by Ladiesman^
I haven't liked Dark Forces since DF2. The one thing I dislike about Star Wars is what everyone DOES like, and what is the whole basis of it. I hate the Force. I hate people who use the force. I dislike the Jedi. Kyle Katarn was cool because we wasn't a superhero, he was a regular guy.

I hate to say this Ladiesman but DF2 is possibly one of the best games to come out of the 1990s for the PC. It was highly atmospheric and very much in touch with the Star Wars mythos without copying the movies. The lightsaber physics kick-ass and though some of the levels were kinda blah (The Imperial Base you sneak into with the AT-STs marching around it was kinda blah) there were other ones that were down-right scary they're so good, like escaping from Jerec's ship as it plumets and the ceiling, walls and floor rotate. WHOA.
Originally posted by Ladiesman^

The original Dark Forces was cool though. It's the only game I felt bad about killing someone in. There was a Gammorean guard just minding his own business when I run in and shot him to death. I really felt bad about it, and I don't know why.
Well... if you think of it... when you gun down the fighter in your sights, there's a living being inside the fighter, Kilrathi, Pirate, Confed, or Nephilim...

Granted, it's not the same feeling... but in the novels characters often confront that question: I'm blowing up fighters, but I'm also destroying a life...
It makes killing a pilot in his fighter as sad as sneaking up behind a Gamorrean and stabbing him to death... :(
the new, the old, and the ugly

How does everyone feel about old games. We'll say 90-96 vs. new? Of course the technology is stunning, but have game designers lost site of the pure play factor? It seems games go out of style quicker these days.

The original wing commander was highly played for 5 years, Doom was "the shit" for 3. But now games that came out a mir 2 years ago you can't even find in stores, little alone do they get any major attention.
We think of games as being better now, but are they really on the playing level? Take away all the 3D cards, surroundsound, and blood, what do we have felt in a modren game? A game is supposed to be an interactive story.

Are these new programs "games" or shows of technological 3D progress?

Re: the new, the old, and the ugly

Originally posted by herb_co
How does everyone feel about old games. We'll say 90-96 vs. new? Of course the technology is stunning, but have game designers lost site of the pure play factor? It seems games go out of style quicker these days.

The original wing commander was highly played for 5 years, Doom was "the shit" for 3. But now games that came out a mir 2 years ago you can't even find in stores, little alone do they get any major attention.
We think of games as being better now, but are they really on the playing level? Take away all the 3D cards, surroundsound, and blood, what do we have felt in a modren game? A game is supposed to be an interactive story.

Are these new programs "games" or shows of technological 3D progress?


Some of both, I think ... computer games were really hitting their stride around '90 or so, as personal computers were getting powerful enough and common enough to make them a practical reality. So, as a consequence, there was a lot of new, ground-breaking stuff being published.

Now, well, the ground is broken. It takes a lot more work to come up with a truly new and innovative idea at this stage, instead of taking an old idea and putting a prettier face on it. The same thing happened with movies.

How many space sim reviews have you read that said, "If you like Wing Commander, this game should be right up your alley?" That's because WC was the first really big one, the pioneer in its genre, and all of them since then (including the Star Wars games) have more or less been simply extensions of that same idea.

If you're not a space-sim fan specifically, new space sims aren't worth the effort of playing, because you've already played Wing Commander. Thus, new space sims have basically their core audience and not much else, and they stop coming out except when written by space sim fans, for space sim fans.

Take a look at what's happened to the 1st-person shooter ... there are some new ones coming out, but they've had their boom and they're waning now. Pretty soon, the core shooter fans will be sitting around wondering what happened to _their_ favorite game genre. But the people who are just what you might call mainstream gamers, will have gone on to whatever the next big idea is.

-The Gneech ("I'm sick of 3d. Give me flat animation any day.")