What to play in the 21st century? advice needed


I'm looking for a new game to play. In short i want a modren (win98) version of Privateer. So what games come to mind? Something where you are independent, have cash, freedom to do things ( at least a limited one) and most impornt the ability to buy and constumize ur ship and then blow the hell out of whatever you please.
Graphics arent a huge deal, but feel and gameplay are important to me. I really wish priv ran under win, but sense it doesnt i want something to take its place.

Wing Commander Universe, a game being developed by myself with much help from HellcatV, the game will have ALL of the Wing Commander Universe map in it including gemini sector of course, also it will feature all wc ships from 1-3 as well as all privateer ships....
And if you mean games, which aren't part of the WC universe, try Jumpgate or wait for Freelancer. They both belong to the same genre and offer also such possibilities. They aren't so 'deep' like Privateer, but it sounded well, what was published about them.
Although it's not that new, the most Privateer-esque game I ever played was Archmedian Dynasty... it had a lot of the same feel as Priv did! I think they're working on a sequel...
Try "X-Beyond the Frontier" and "Tachyon: The Fringe." Go to http://www.gamespot.com for reviews. XBF - If you have DirectX 8 install you are going to need to get DirectX 8.1 which is currently availible as a beta. The speech for XBF skips. This is a known issue with DirectX 8 (MS fault). I am playing this game right now and I am using DirectX 8.1 beta.
Originally posted by Fishbone
? Never heard about it. :)
It tells me nothing at all. How old is it?

It's about four years old, made by a German company... it's actually a submarine game, but the submarines you pilot have the same physics as WC's space-fighters... so it's like WC with water instead of space <G> You fly missions and upgrade your submarine and what not...
Somehow. The name still tells me nothing, but the history fits on another game. And that game is like Subculture.
I can't more highly recommend X-Wing: Alliance for the true flight sim fighters. Echelon also came out and the demo on PC Gamer's Aug 2001 is freaking beautiful and very fun!
Well, I grabbed Alliance for $8 (and a copy of Shadows of the Empire for no real reason) at Toy Works, a local toy store chain. Was immensely impressed with it, esp the final battle, which I've seen but yet to get to. The Zone.com multiplayer servers stink though, I never had this problem with Jedi Knight!

Boy, I can't wait for JKII: Outcast!!! :D
lol I never tried it online. Till I am so far....
but you're right. MSN online-gaming-servers stink recently. For Flight-Sims also.
Well, even X-W:A pales to Star Wars Trilogy Arcade ! Me and a friend went to the local movie theater to see The Score, which was pretty cool, and dumped $20 easily into that machine. We came SO close to beating Vader in that damn lightsaber fight both times, though the second time, my friend made the final swing to beat Vader and the game didn't register the movement, so he lost! Whatta bunch of bull. We ended up with the mutual rank of "Fleet Commander"! :D

[Edited by LeHah on 07-16-2001 at 11:27]
Poor guys. :D
I only tried to play X-Wing Alliance online one time. After the connection was mega-slow I didn't continue. And that was before I entered the game. Same with X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter. But later I'll have to try more often.
Yeah, Zone's servers are slow slow slow with Alliance. I was flying against this one kid and we had a 0-0 score after 20 minutes of him some how being able to stay behind me the whole time (server error) and not being able to land a single shot. I then began playing with my speed till he over shot me and I landed a huge volly of shots on him. He was down to 12% hull and the server crashed my computer!!! ARGH! :mad:
I don't want to know,which experiences I'll make, if I'll play it regularly. Maybe funny ones. But that also happened to me one time when I was playing Rogue Spear. I was behind one, setting on to the final shot and *boom* server crashed. :( And that where I drop so often. *g*