What happened to the Vesuvius?

I understand that The Vesuvius is a popular ship, I love it more than the Midway.(DOn't throw veggies at me Please!) What I don't get is that COnfed probbably spent billions or more credits getting the design, materials, ship builiding
yards, tools, and the like to build these ships. Why not make more. It is kinda a waste of money. Wait if the Esien is a Vesuvius why didn't we hear about it in WCIV. In the beggining when Blair meets the E-man they talk about how Confed took care of him. Why didn't they mention that they are naming one of the new breed of supercarriers after him? This may be my mean side of me talkin, but why did Confed leave the Kilrathi so much space after the war. I mean you fight a species for ssssooooooooo long and you leave them so much. SUre we destroyed their homeworld. They are lucky confed didn't make them go the way of the Dodo. I think that Confed you take most of the remaining Kilrathi systems and use them to give the Confed economy a "jump start". What do you think?
because they hadn't named the Eisen yet. Or potentially even built it. But Confed wasn't fighting the Kilrathi to conquer them, they were fighting to prevent being conquered, you might as well ask why didn't the US annex Japan after the War? because that is not the style of democracies
Boy are you going to get a lot of nice replys on that.
1) The Eisen is a ??????? class Carrier and probley get built/renamed after Eisen Death.
2) The systems were full of Kilrathi Colonies, I dont see confed comiting genicide.
3) Confed wanted to get the war out of their minds, and you are saying is same that Tolwyn belive.
Quite right dragon, Confed isn't a group of murderers, they were fighting for their lives not to kill all the cats, The cats help them in the war against the Nephilim anyway
Actually the United states used Japan as a base for some time after the war. ANd the United states installed the government there too. Whether they put the people who like the U.S. in power is up to debate. Aw ok you softies. But hey come on a few systems. You don't fight for 35 years and not get that much for it. We are not turnin into trekkies are we? (not to say star trek is bad, but their politicaly correct "niceness" gets on my nerves). For some odd reason i liked Tolwyn. Maybe cause he was a patriot and he fought for Confed his whole life. And i admit i never saw his betrayal coming. Maybe i was slow on the uptake but it totaly surprised me!
Personally, I don't consider what he did as a "betrayal" what he did was what he thought was necessary to preserve the future of humanity, and he might have been rihgt, in am old CIC poll, almost an equal number of people thought he was right as those who thought he was wrong.

Any Confed did the same thing, as we did japan.
You like Tolwym do you, well just hope that you dont live in the Union of Border Worlds and are a "pure" genetic example of mankind, because if you are not...
And how about the assembly of Clans, I wonder who come with that idea, let me gess......ConFed.
And ConFed did got something out of 35 Years of war with the Kilrathi, they are not slaves, since is what they would became after if they lose.
Confed got back a lot of systems that belong to ConFed before the Kilrathi got they in the War, The Kilrathi only have the Systems that were they before the war started and some new ones(like Pasqual) that the UBW give to then.
ConFed fight for their lives and the Freedom of the Human race, what happened after the war is a product of changing from a war driven ecomomy to a regular ecomomy, things are a lot better now after 10 years.Start a war to improve the ecomony is something that the people will never go for.
For some odd reason i think that Tolwyn was right. I admit some of his methods were cruel. But he is right, humanity should prepare for another war. Look at WCP Confed would have gotten overrun if it wasn't for the MIDway. I still think of Tolwyn as a patriot. He served Confed, no not confed, Humanity too long to be ignored.
If we do that, how long would it take to bacame like the Kilrathi? always at war, that was Tolwyn answer to our problems. you cant fight, well then you will die because you are wasting air, food and space that can be use by somebody else, someone better that you.
And the Midway got really lucky, there is no garanty that by using Tolwyn answers things would be easier.
And Tolwyn got things done no matter the cost, Blair and his friends were put in that posision too many times, some did not make it back.
And yes, he was a hero, no question about it, but what he was trying to do was a betrayel to everything that mankind is trying is stand for.
We would became as bad as the Kilrathi, belive that.
I understand what you are saying. But comparing the Human race to the Kirathi because we make weapons that are unethical doesn't mean anything. Tolywn belived in gearing up for conflict. Wanting war with the Border Worlds is wrong. They are fellow humans, i understand that. But tell that to the bugs. Do you think they care if we are unethical or not. I think we should have kept the Black Lances operational as a special forces type team. That way Confed would not be caught with its pants down like they were at the begining at the Kirathi War.
I have nothing against fighting a race that does not even try to give a declaration of war.
And I also dont have anything against being ready for a war, even if that war is not going to happen in 10 years as long that is not made at the expense of inocents.
As usual, after a war, ConFed goes take a nap, no more war why sould we be ready, well that was what happen before the Kilrathi war and still they did not learn that, and now that the bug were push back, even only for a moment, there going to be senators being more intersed in getting more Cash for their worlds (nothing wrong with that, but by the way things are going) that make preperation for the incoming battle, if the bugs get one of those things working, there is no reason that they could not another working but invade a diferent system, a system that could be not being explored by confed, but some senators will not see reason even if they get bitten in the a$$ by it.
Tolwyn's methods would have physically preserved the human species. But they would have destroyed it spiritually and culturally. In other words, Tolwyn wanted to destroy humanity to save a pack of apes.

As for Confed gains after the War, Confed got a hell of a lot of systems from the Kilrathi. Venice, Kurasawa... why do you think that Warach Tha is not on the map? Compare the Priv map with the WCP map. Why does Confed own Tr'pakh, and Summ-kp'ta? Those are all captured systems.
Tolwyns methods were wrong, but preparing for war, being eternaly vigilent is a good idea, as long as one doesn't go overboard, he had a good idea in making a highly trained group of men and women to act as a special forces unit, he just went overboard, but he was always a patriot fighting for what he thought was best for humanity.
What the?? People think Tolwyn was right? Tolwyn was basicly neo-Hitler. Did anyone else ever see what goes on if you stay with confed, for awhile in wcIV Paulson actually outright says "sub-human" when refering to the boarder worlders. Tolwyn might have had an alright idea producing a special forces group of the best soldiers equiped with the best fighter, but he certianly wasn't right in his quest to purify mankind with the genselect bioweapon.In wcIV the enemy was just as clearly evil as the kilrathi even if they were human.
No dekkar you are wrong, he was not a neo hitler, the Telemon/Gen-Select was his major wrong, but I still say that was Seether more than him :), anyway no people said that Tolwyn was right that we must continue to be Vigilent and prepare for the next race, b4 the kilrathi confed had not followed that and almost lost it all, so he noticed that and wanted Confed to be ready for anything. As such he made the BL and new tech to handle things.
Originally posted by Earthworm
Originally posted by Knight
Since there were only "3" made, (most will argue the Eisen thing...)
What aboute the McKinley?

That was why the 3 was in quotes. The Ves, St. Helens, and the McKinley are the 3, and the Eisen is highly debateable, but regardless, the information is there, just some people choose not to follow the signs. We've went over this many times, and EW, I believe both of us have argued til we were both blue in the face defending our opinions, so I won't go into that.

While the Midway might not have been in Sol the entire duration of the Cerberus' voyage, it was there for repairs, then was taken on the "Grand Tour" so that Wilford could show her off (WCPG Guide, pg 112), meaning that it probably wasn't doing much in the way of squashing bugs. Throughout WCP, from the time it first was mentioned, the Eisen was running point, defense, and offense for/with the Midway. After Wolf Pack was transferred, the Eisen wasn't mentioned much, but would you go against saying that it wouldn't need repairs after that? I hardly think so. It might not have been as battered as the Midway, but I'm sure it had some wounds needing healing.
That is entirely possible but since it was in a battle group, (quote, "the Eisen Carrier group") it had escorts so maybe it wouldn't have been as badly damnaged.
COnsidering the sheer number of bugs that were there, its very possible that a few of the bugs got close enough to do some damage. It happened to the Midway enough times. Even with escort capships nothing is impervious.