Well sorry everyone....

LOAF does love that pic, but why on earth he picks on FS2, by far the better of the two I'll never know :rolleyes: i really enjoyed the 1st time playing it, but I couldn't manage a 2nd :P
Originally posted by Pedro
LOAF does love that pic, but why on earth he picks on FS2, by far the better of the two I'll never know :rolleyes: i really enjoyed the 1st time playing it, but I couldn't manage a 2nd :P

I don't. I have one picture for each game. This was replying to a post about Freespace 2. If it were a post about Freespace 1, I would have used the Freespace 1 one.

Besides, Descent: Descent to Undermountain: The Descent Chronicals, Descent -- Descent was the only good Freespace game.
That's surprisingly accurate, Wulf. As a matter of fact, you can "boink" the teacher (and the girl next door, and the girl from the swim team, and the girl who likes art, and the rich girl, and the new girl, and even the cat, if you like that sort of thing).
Originally posted by WildWeasel
That's surprisingly accurate, Wulf. As a matter of fact, you can "boink" the teacher (and the girl next door, and the girl from the swim team, and the girl who likes art, and the rich girl, and the new girl....).

Heh heh :cool:

Don't I know that.... :cool:

I'd post a screenshot, but we'd probably get in trouble if we put porn on the server. This is also the reason why Kris had to give up the granny porn.

Anyway, you should all play that game.
I think making it one of the style-y things would be neat... the default one too... It'd scare away all the weirdos! And attract new ones!