WCM Director's Cut

True... but we *could* get more than just rapid flashbacks... a major 10-min battle would give the heat of the moment straight away...
Look at False Colours, and the initial excellent chapter on the fight of KIS Karga against the two Confed cruisers...

That's the kind of intro I like... :cool:

Of course, I agree with you LOAF, it's just a matter of taste... :)
Indeed, that intro was a very cunning piece of work - six hundred years of history in something like a minute :).

As for additional scenes, I think there should have been more interaction between Blair, Maniac, and the rest of the squadron - like all those locker-room scenes in Top Gun. This could have been nicely used to show the tension (and, over time, acceptance) between Blair and the anti-Pilgrimites. A few scenes in the recroom it could have also been used to make the Blair/Angel romance less sudden.
Ultimately, I think that Wing Commander could have been a far better movie if it had a running time closer to three hours - but that would have been beyond the realm of possibility, with that budget.
I would have made it more obvious that the Claw has more than a dozen and a half fighters on board. Even without Angel's squadron they should have been able to hold their own better.
Watched movie, 1st time

Ok I finally got my DVD of the WCM, sat in my recliner with my tall glass of tea and chips. First run thru the movie, got interupted by phone 15 mins into it,:mad:, so I restarted it! 2nd time, 30 mins into movie, someone knockin at the door!! :mad: Third time, I put up a note on the door, "Do not Disturb", told the wife to go play bingo or something, unpluged the phone, put out the cat, put the dog in the backyard. At last peace and quiet!

4th run, this time I was able to see the entire movie, start to finish. My "two cents" worth...

The begining with the little recap of history was neat! Sort of a "nutshell" history lesson, giving anyone who has never known about WC an idea of the WC Universe.

The incident of Pegasus with its destruction and the theft of the nav comp AI box sort of gave "the chills" that the cats had coordinates to jump into SOL. With the core of the Confed fleet 2 hours behind the Kilrathi, made it even more chilling! The thought of what would happen during those 2 hours.

Blair and Maniac's characters were well played by the actors. Seeing familiar faces from Privateer 2 gave the movie a sort of "at home" feel.

I liked the way how Blair found out not to "judge by looks" when talking to Angel. Chewed off more than he could handle! The bar scene was a neat way to introduce yourself to a bunch of strangers! However, I was confused by the "you die, you never exsisted" game that was being played by the rest of the pilots. Sort of unusual, and unhuman IMO.

The Tiger Claw in the movie looked awsome. It had a look to it to the likes of "ya, come mess with me"! The large hanger door and the way the entire landing deck would close up was neat.

The Rapier fighters had some HUGE guns, to the looks of a gatling gun! Very small body and close hardpoints for the missiles. What was strange to me about how they landed and took off was they actually slide on the landing deck, metal to metal contact, sparks flying etc. (guess wheels were a waste of time) The landings also seemed a bit harsh, almost smashing into the deck. The take offs were also a bit puzzling, when they reached the end of the carrier deck, they "dropped" a bit, much like aircraft do after the catapult shoots the aircraft off the deck. Although it was a neat visual effect, its impossible for that to happen in zero G space. A minor detail! Unless the landing deck has gravity generators out to the edge of the deck, that may explain how Forbes craft suddenly dropped when it was cleared off the deck, in a zero G environment, it should have floated off the deck, not dropped! Again a minor detail.

The character of Paladin was well played, dispite the apparent lack of accent in the voice. (who cares!) I thought the part was played very well. Taking over for the injured captian at a moments notice, and taking out that destroyer with that "side attack" manuver was cool!

The ending with the Kilrathi jumping into SOL, one ship at a time was IMO, was a "too easy" way to stop the cats. I would have liked to see the fleet exchange a few rounds with at least 3 or 4 Kilrathi ships. The fighter dogfights could have been a bit more, well there could have been more of it!

Now, this story about the Pilgrims, I thought it added a sense of "humanity" to the whole thing. Plus a story plot other than the normal "take out fighters, cap ships" stories we are all used to seeing in the games. I think they did a good job with that.

Overall, the movie IMO was great! Very impressive visual effects, great acting, and interesting story about the Pilgrims. I liked the part where they "froze" during the first jump sequence! The only thing I thought could have been a bit better was the lighting during the "cat" scenes. It was hard to see any detail. But considering that cats dont need as much light as humans do to see, that sort of put an explanation on the lack of lighting during those parts of the movie.

In conclusion, an excellent movie. I am happy to add it to my WC collection. Wish there was a sequal in the works!

I liked the movie, too. I may have been a bit harsh on it, but I really liked it (I like anything about Wing Commander :D). And I'd be happy to see a sequel too...in a few years...more WC-y stuff in it...

BTW, do the movie Rapiers remind anyone of the A-10 Warthog? Just a thought...

Nyway, I'm one of those who really loved the intro, too. Though it might have been good if they stuffed a few seconds of photos or "antique" footage (say, of McAuliffe, similar to that taken from Pearl Harbor. It would have provided a good parallel).
The Rapier has been something wierd for me. When I first saw it, I HATED it. Then I tolerated it. Then I didn't like it again. Now it's one of my favorites. I can't decide whether I like it or not! Aaarrrgggghhhh
Thats kind of funny cause I know a few A-10 pilots that feel the same way about the Warthog, one day they love it, the next they hate it!! The Rapiers seemed a bit odd but after about the 3rd or 4th time seeing them in the movie I too developed an "acceptance" of the craft. I still cant get over the fact that they had no wheels on the landing gear, but landed and took off like airplanes! Great movie regardless!

Well, there's no doubt how Blair feels..."I love this baby!" :)

Originally posted by Supdon3
I would have made it more obvious that the Claw has more than a dozen and a half fighters on board. Even without Angel's squadron they should have been able to hold their own better.

On a side note, I kinda get the impression that the Claw carried very few fighters, more of a warship than a carrier. I mean, I'm not sure if a carrier that can take out a cruiser alone deserves being called one!
I enjoyed the movie alot more after I read through the Confederation Handbook. I still don't really like the Pilgrim thing, but just becuase it makes Blair into a math god. I did think the whole hatred towards him because of it was kinda cool. I would have liked to see the Pilgrim traior scene.

The end was kinda upset too. I was expecting some kind of giant fleet battle or something of the nature.

About the ships:

Dralthi: DAMNED cool looking. Really did a good job on that one.

Rapier: I just told you my views on that

Broadsword: Good lord it was ugly. Disliked that alot.

Tiger Claw: Decent looking, no real opinion on it.

Concordia: Pretty cool looking. Looks a bit too much like a Battleship...just in space. But I guess that's what they wanted. Still a cool looking ship though.

Kilrathi Cap Ships: I didn't like them. What'd we see, the Snakeir and the Sivar? Didn't impress me. That ConCom ship looked cool though.

Diligent: Ehh...it's a ship. I guess a civilian transport wasn't really supposed to look extravagant. Acceptable.
I think the Concordia looked more like the Claw from WCA. More like a cruise liner or olden battleship: huge and stately.

[Another Side Note: I remember reading in the WC Movie Collector's Mag (which I never purchased and am still kicking myself in the gut for) that the interiors of the quarters, I believe, was influenced by 60's architecture. Or something like that...
First impression I got from the views of the inside of the Claw was, "are we on a sea going Navy ship?" The hallways and doors are almost exactly like those found on Navy ships and subs. Still a very impressive carrier.

Nope, the 'Claw carries 104 fighters -- her ability to take on enemy capships in broadsides is because she's a *Strike* Carrier...

As for the movie ships... I absolutely loved the look of the Concordia -- I imagine that's what the massive battleships of Action Stations look similar to.

The Rapier grows on you -- it's ugly as heck, but you get used to it -- like a P-47.

The Kitty ships were nice, except for the fact that the Snakeir and Sivar looked similar.

I liked the Errant, it seemed like a nice design for a civlian light transport.

The only ship I *didn't* really like was the Broadsword... seemed rushed, IMO.

The Thrakh'hra and Dralthi were classic Kilrathi designs.
Me? I liked the Confed ships; I thought they were cool. Liked the Kilrathi fighters (would've liked to see more than just the Dralthi, though), but the Cat capships looked 1.) the same and 2.) like Confed ships. My only real complaint, ships-wise.
Originally posted by RFBurns
First impression I got from the views of the inside of the Claw was, "are we on a sea going Navy ship?" The hallways and doors are almost exactly like those found on Navy ships and subs. Still a very impressive carrier.


Yeah...of course, there is a lot of sub-themed stuff in here (see my rant for more information), & the lounge looked like a galley on seagoing warship - which, I suppose, is exactly what the designers were aiming for.

I liked the Connie, but was a bit dissapointed she didn't look like a carrier.
Maybe it was to provide a connection between todays Navy and the future of the Navy. I always felt that the Confederation space force is a futuristic counterpart of the Naval forces of today.

Originally posted by Bob McDob
I liked the Connie, but was a bit dissapointed she didn't look like a carrier.

Based on info the ever powerful LOAF bestowed on me (and then I noticed it for myself) The Confederation-Class Dreadnaught Concordia is not the same ship as the Concordia-Class Supercruiser (supercruiser, right..?) Concordia from the movie. The Confederation Handbook says it only carries 20 fighters. I wouldn't consider that a carrier.
Originally posted by RFBurns
Maybe it was to provide a connection between todays Navy and the future of the Navy. I always felt that the Confederation space force is a futuristic counterpart of the Naval forces of today.


I always viewed the "Space Force" as the fururistic counterpart of the Air Force. Then, I envisioned the "Navy" as the futuristic counterpart of the Navy :)

I could go on with the Marines and Army....but I think the idea has been communicated....

err...off topic, but does Confed have an equivalent of the National Guard? Is it the Insystem Security thingy Blair was assigned to way back when?
Originally posted by Supdon3
I would have made it more obvious that the Claw has more than a dozen and a half fighters on board. Even without Angel's squadron they should have been able to hold their own better.

If the Claw has been rubbing up against the Kilrathi for a while, her fighter complement could be well down on usual. That would also explain the 'reluctance' of the pilots to talk about lost friends.
Space Force isn't really like the Air Force -- they have the word 'Force' in their names, and they have a similar (but not the same) rank structure... unlike the real air force, the Space Force flies off of carriers.