WC4 Ships

Oh, so the 'real' Krant is still in progress. Err... you're calling it a Vatari? Where does that come from?
That's right. It won't show up much though... it's more of a tribute to the SWC Krant's design (which I like very much) than an actual regular enemy ship. Since the 'Vatari' name was floating around in FA I thought I'd borrow it instead of coming up with something myself :p

i think concordia was possibly struck by a stunning amount of confusing 2 completely different ships cos they happen to have the same name!

as a result in his lil universe star trek is played out on the US aircraft carrier enterprise ;)
well loaf, they're not ALL retextured wc2 ships. infact a lot of them weren't it's more about the texture colors. Privatters are more the grey tones as are SWC's whereas the wc2 ships were more cartoonish.