WC4 novel and what's with the all Lexingtons?

Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
I always considered the VS Lexington to be the WC4 Lexington, even if that meant that they had to repair it in a couple of months. Might be possible...

Think you are right. I have to read more carefully. WC4 says the Lexington got a partial refit after the war, so it was indeed operational for at least some of WC3's duration, if not the whole thing. Good turnaround time. Still, that leaves two Lexington's at the same time.
Glad somebody agrees with me. :)

AFAIK, the Armada Lexington and the Shiraak destroy each other, thus only one Lexington remaining. But there would have been two Lexingtons at the same time, that's true.
I'd like to point out that the WC:Armada Lexington was a carrier sent into deep Kilrathi Space as a covert operation, and thus never exsisted to Confed publicly. The byline is that the Lexington and the Kilrathi carrier in Armada mutually destroyed each other.