WC2 torpedo runs :(

Expendable said:
I would think that Nukes are standard issue, as if an expendable escort carrier such as the Tarawa has them, every carrier and fighter-carrying carrier should also carry at least a few.

Also, aren't anti-matter weapons deadlier without the radiation hazard of standard nukes?

And can't the Kilrathi detect nukes (as shown in End Run)?

Sometimes it seems like that they are standard issue (As in ER and FA when they mentioned, although the 500 megaton St-90 clad nukes are most likely not standard issue as there real only purpose is to radioactively destroy an area/planet after the intial blast effects)

I think anti-matter reactions release more energy than nuclear reactions as you are not just splitting/fusing atoms but entirely turning the matter into energy. radiation seems like it might be less but there must be some kind of form of it released during detonation.

And I think both sides can detect nukes, although in ER I think it was a fission bomb they loaded onto that ferret (it was a ferret right? been a while) and I think a marine shuttle. I think fission bombs maybe are easier to detect because they use more radioactive materials in their construction, while who knows exactly how far fusion bombs had come at that point (I mean 500 megatons is quite a bit larger than the largest bomb detonated here which was like 51.8 megatons or something near that by the soviets as a model for their 100 megaton bomb) 500 megatons could have been a midrange nuke and the kats just choose it for arbitarily. Even though they were detonated high in the atmosphere to spread the stronium-90, they still would have ignited fires on the surface as it is a ridiculous amouint of energy being released.