WC Universe's Controversial Plot Holes, Discrepacies, Continuity Problems, etc

Originally posted by WildWeasel
He may not have consciously used it at all. He was probably sleeping.

HELLZ YEAH! Maniac would do that! He could take on a whole fleet in his sleep. While wearing polka-dot pajamas too!
Re: Playa-Haterz Up in Here

Originally posted by Col.Dom

Oh yeah... that earring in WC2.... :confused:

And those bloodshot red eyes? Those made me feel like he was still a little wacko. :)

I started this thread to give a platform for anyone's questions, not just about mine. So if you have them, shoot :)

Bite your tongue WildWeasel. If HQ or the desk jockeys get it in their heads that the autopilot might be that good we'll be out of a job!
uh guys, maniac would never have been kicked out, there was a WAR going on... they needed every pilot they could get.
I'm going to put out another question that I came across while watching an episode of WCA I hadn't seen in a while.

Why are the shields in WCA (2653?) so much weaker than those in WC1 (2654)? I mean one shot from ships weapons and kablooeeyyy!

Why are the shields in WCA (2653?) so much weaker than those in WC1 (2654)? I mean one shot from ships weapons and kablooeeyyy!

Probably for the same reason they did in the film. You don't want to wait around for the fighter shields to be worn down. Anyway, WCATV doesn't really fit into the WC universe at all. For christsakes, Iceman died before he could father a child (i.e. Casey) and he was BLUE. Not depressed, actually BLUE. The funny looking crew members always spoilt it a bit for me :(
WCATV doesn't really fit into the WC universe at all. For christsakes, Iceman died before he could father a child (i.e. Casey) and he was BLUE. Not depressed, actually BLUE. The funny looking crew members always spoilt it a bit for me

Wow, it took me a bit to figure out what you were talking about.

You're confusing 2nd Lt. Alan "Blizzard" Getz with Major Michael "Iceman" Casey. Two completely separate people... who aren't connected... at all.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF

Wow, it took me a bit to figure out what you were talking about.

You're confusing 2nd Lt. Alan "Blizzard" Getz with Major Michael "Iceman" Casey. Two completely separate people... who aren't connected... at all.

hehehe...he was blue though....there are a few oddly colored people in WCATV....

But actually, I think it fits surprisingly well with the rest of WC.
Originally posted by Ladiesman^

hehehe...he was blue though....there are a few oddly colored people in WCATV....

But actually, I think it fits surprisingly well with the rest of WC.

I don't really think so, In WC1, Maniac has to introduce himself to Maverick as if they had never met. So they couldn't have been the fierce rivals at the Acadamey that WCATV makes them out to be.;)
To be completely fair, their being 'Academy rivals' has always been part of the WC universes background -- it was first established in the canon in the WC1 official guide...
Originally posted by Excelsis
In WC1, Maniac has to introduce himself to Maverick as if they had never met.

That's been explained as either a joke between the two of them or a simple introduction for the player's benefit. I prefer the former. Either way, this is hardly evidence enough to claim that the game doesn't fit with the television series.
You're confusing 2nd Lt. Alan "Blizzard" Getz with Major Michael "Iceman" Casey. Two completely separate people... who aren't connected... at all.

I stand corrected. Its been a while since I saw that episode (but he was BLUE).
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF

You're confusing 2nd Lt. Alan "Blizzard" Getz with Major Michael "Iceman" Casey. Two completely separate people... who aren't connected... at all.

well in a way... they did serve on the same ship. i believe that as far as we know, Ice and the rest of the WC1 Crew were also present in WCATV....right?