WC: Sins of Solar Empire Conversion


You could see that coming. Everyone who have seen the game, or even played it knows that it has the most solid foundation to become a "Wing Commander RTS Mod -Dream-Come-True". That's why for the past few days I'm rounding up a team of developers and artists to help us produce the mod quicker, and better.

The mod will be oriented on large fleet operations, emphasizing fighters and their true abilities [ Kilrathi E-CapShip missiles and the Temblor Bomb for the Athmospheric cable fighters - these are examples ].

Soon after we will reach a stable amount of talented and skilled people to help with the mod - we'll bring a webpage up for all of You who will be anticipating the mod [ I hope at least some of You will ;) ].

If You can help, in any matter, please give me a shout!

Thanks for reading the thread.
Wow, great news. Sins is a very good and very pretty game, and the whole "star system" thing would mesh pretty well with a Wing Commander context.

I wish you all good luck!
Could be easier with the communities support :) Our team now consist of modelers, coders, asound designer and a composer. We need 2D artists mainly now, but we are going to start without, we have lots of work ahead of us.
Yes, would be great! But it is hard to find poeple with the needed skills, especially 3d-modeling. Well, Howard Day would be awsome, but I think he is busy! ;-)

But I would love to see your success with the mod. Sadly lot of startet Wing Commander Mods had been droped/canceled. Based on the total number, there are only a few numbers, that made it to "released" version"

I wish you all the best!
I am a fan already! :-)
Yes, would be great! But it is hard to find poeple with the needed skills, especially 3d-modeling. Well, Howard Day would be awsome, but I think he is busy! ;-)

But I would love to see your success with the mod. Sadly lot of startet Wing Commander Mods had been droped/canceled. Based on the total number, there are only a few numbers, that made it to "released" version"

I wish you all the best!
I am a fan already! :-)

We are working hard to our first media release. No worries here, the team is stable, and the works are heavily undergoing.
Heh, I wish I was finishing college, instead of starting it in a few months- I'd love to help you guys code if I had enough of a clue as to what I was doing.
Can't EDIT my posts... weird. Oh well.


Wing Commander: Initium Mod for Sins of Solar Empire.

The Initium will place You in a Universe, where the Terrans, Kilrathi and Border Worlds / Nephilim fight over the control of the galaxy. You will take a role of a leader in of one of the factions and fight for dominance in the universe.

A Total Conversion which will bring the Wing Commander Universum into the Sins of Solar Empire game.
We are aiming at a fully emphasized fighter/carrier combat*, a singleplayer campaign*, slightly enhanced effects and redone gameplay* to suit the Wing Commander fighting style.

Current planned development:
- Implementing over 20 fighter-types including heavy fighters and bombers*
- Implementing experience and abilities into fighter-craft [ by fighter-craft I mean every single small ship ]. *
- Revisiting the tech-tree to suit the theme
- Enhancing the effects a slight bit
- Introducing new ships and models into the WC universe.
- Full Orchestral soundtrack composed by Andrew McLean
- Remastered sound effects [ Like THIS cloak-off sound ]
- Singleplayer campaign*

And more! Stay tuned for more !

* - if engine will let us do that after the main mod tool release.
I bought nexus due to mods in progress, I just bough sins yesterday due to your plans! its a great way to waste hours, but I miss having storylines. Am I missing it somehow? it all seems more like skirmish. Cant wait till you hammer this one out!
The sound is insteresting. Different from the original but still similar.
I have to wait till Sin is released over here but from playing the Demo I think that its a good choice for doing a WC mod.
I bought nexus due to mods in progress, I just bough sins yesterday due to your plans! its a great way to waste hours, but I miss having storylines. Am I missing it somehow? it all seems more like skirmish. Cant wait till you hammer this one out!

Nope, but we may implement a storyline if the engine will let us do that after the 1.1.0 release. The patch will bring LOADS of stuff for us modders to do. Yep!
Well, as it states on the pictures, it's a PASSCARD. You will have an option to printout Yourself one... but I can make a manual too, doesn't take much time.
So far, so good! :)

What's about you idea to have a kind of "Switch/Option" to select the timline, means Wing Commander 1 & 2 and Wing Commander 3 &4?

The Passcard looks good.
umm.. Tech tree Acepilot? Or game modes?

I think he wants to choose which era of ships to play the game with... But if there's a tech tree I assume you would progress through them according to the actual age of the designs and not according to which game they were originally in. (for example a number of wc3 designs predate the RapierII)