WC Movie Sequel

Yeah, that too, but it's also the cheat code to get unlimited jump jets in MWII: Mercenaries :) So sue me, all the good expressions were taken :p

I should have clarified, anyway - all I want is
this shot from the DVD - I know you posted it on SB at one time...
Other thing that I hate more then the wrong ships are these Killrathi. I mean they have made better costums for them in the Game, why didn't they use it in the Movie?

Did you know those cats from the movie look better as orcs in the D&D movie?
Watch the scene in the marketplace and several orcs walk past....
Originally posted by Wedge009
It's a pity one has to lose to see some of the best shots cutscenes in any WC game.

Or you could just use the movie viewer... ;)
If it works on your computer. Besides, the whole idea is that what you see is a direct consequence of your action and performance, is it not?