WC movie & errors


Rear Admiral
Did u find some errors in the movie ?
In the french version, the scene is said to take place in 2454, for example...
Originally posted by NoRemorse
Did u find some errors in the movie ?
In the french version, the scene is said to take place in 2454, for example...

Well I think it would be a shorter thread if you asked: What was NOT wrong in the movie...
What was right about the movie.

The amazing musical score, excellent enough to silence even those most ardent in their demands that Oldziey or Fatman should have composed it.

The introduction sequence... the map/historical overlay was a brilliant piece of film-making -- and the attack on Pegasus a wonder of 3D rendering skills.

The aforementioned rendering skills -- watch the movie on DVD for the best effect, as they appeared too dark in the theaters. The action is intense and detailed...

The choice of actors -- Prinze plays the perfect confused newbie; Lillard the perfect arrogant jerk.

The little references for the fans -- mentioning Hornets and Lt. Dibbles, the Dorkier on Paladin's VDU... the little things that reminded us that they hadn't forgotten about the longtime fans.

The sets -- Roberts envisioned a submarine in space, and he created the illusion perfectly.

The fact that it brought out wonderful new merchandise at a time when Origin had abandoned Wing Commander -- the Confederation Handbook, a new series of novels, long-begged-for Wing Commander toys!

The absolute thrill of, after nine years of waiting, seeing a Wing Commander movie in a theater.

And last, but not least, the fact that it leaves us with something to talk about years later.
Originally posted by Silent Warrior
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
The amazing musical score, excellent enough to silence even those most ardent in their demands that Oldziey or Fatman should have composed it.
Okay, I think we all know YOUR opinion of the movie's music. Unfortunately, you seem to be in the minority. Most of us find the musical score quite possibly the best part of the movie in general.

In another thread, you mention that the music seems to be a few bars repeated over and over. That's not necessarily a prescription for failure. Take HALLOWEEN, for example -- the haunting piano taps absolutely MAKE that movie (even by admission of the director), and it can't get any simpler than that. In short, simplicity doesn't mean bad.

Originally posted by Silent Warrior
The aforementioned rendering skills -- watch the movie on DVD for the best effect, as they appeared too dark in the theaters. The action is intense and detailed...
Got the DVD-version. Was pretty dark even there... but the action IS intense and detailed, nonetheless.
Do you have your TV optimized for DVD playback? I find the space shots much brighter on DVD than in theaters.

[Edited by OriginalPhoenix on 04-16-2001 at 13:13]
Yeah, but I did miss the classic Wing Commander theme...duh, buh buh, buh da buh da buh buh...

Yeah, so it doesn't look too good when I write it.

What was wrong with the movie? Two words...Pilgrim Power. I don't like it, and probably won't...it's hard enough that I accept the fact that the movie fits into the continuum, but don't ask me to like it.
the movie even if it weren't a Wing Commander film was simply a masterpiece. The music was amazing as were the effects. I even enjoyed Freddie Prinze Jr. (!!). Maniac was the perfect Maniac (borderline insanity, remember when he disobeyed orders and engaged the Kilrathi, or during the jump when he decided it'd be fun to balance on a chair :))

Pilgrim power wasn't overdone, it provided an interesting subplot and more importently it provided a reason for Blair to have to really earn his trust... just like in the games. There is no way anyone can fault this film in my opinion. And as LOAF said, the little references for the long term fans really was a nice touch.
As I continue to watch the movie, I find more and more I enjoy it for being an actual film rather than for being a Wing Commander movie...
Not an error, but I thought the Nokia console at Pegasus was kind of lame. The posters in the Claw's rec room were a nice touch, though.

I must agree that the DVD (the first DVD, along with Dune, that I rented after getting my DVD player this Christmas) is a lot brigther than the VHS version (which I'm still stuck with, unfortunately. Gotta get that DVD).

I, too, enjoyed the music greatly, especially the Main Overture. Phoenix said that simplicity does not make bad music, and I'd agree. I mean, look at Green Day (one of my favorites, but their music ain't exactly complex).

Oh, and I surely hope this thread doesn't turn into another big bitch-fest where all the "the movie doesn't fit in with the games" naysayers all flock and unleash their bitching powers.

Was that harsh? I'm sorry. :)
Dune and WC, eh... I'll bet you can tell a lot about someone from their DVD collections: So, what sort of movies do you all have on your shelves?
Originally posted by Nep Parth
What was wrong with the movie? Two words...Pilgrim Power. I don't like it, and probably won't...it's hard enough that I accept the fact that the movie fits into the continuum, but don't ask me to like it. [/B]

That is what I don´t like in the movie. The rest is good.
Even the music.
Compared with the crap we see in Telep's novel, the "powers" we see in the movie are nothin'.

And, Dragon, what's wrong with Dune? That movie kicks ass! David Lynch is wonderfully twisted (though I wonder what he was snortin' when he came up with the weirding modules?). ;)
In what way is the novel "power" stronger than the movie "power"? I heard sth about telepathic abilities.

Oh and "Dune" was cool if you saw it the first time but I think it becomes a bit boriong after a while. But the Baron Harkonnen was so disgusting, wuah! Great!
Yeah, the Baron was vile in the flick. It was great. :)

Well, in the Pilgrim Stars novel, Blair and his fellow Pilgrims join hands and use their powers to fight off the Kilrathi (IIRC... it's been over a year and a half since I read it). If you've read the SW novel Darksaber by Kevin J. Anderson (Hey, he's also co-writing the Prelude to Dune books!), it'll remind you of the scene where the Jedi students gather on top of the Great Temple and use the Force to drive back Daala's fleet.
I loved the Dune movie -- I've got the Region 1 theatrical version and the Region 2 extended TV version on my shelf.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
So, what sort of movies do you all have on your shelves?

i don't have that many

Dire Straits - Sultans Of Swing
Dr Dre, Snoop, Cube, etc - Up In Smoke tour
Wing Commander the Movie (ofcourse)