WC fighter models

Well, if he beats me... We all know I'm not the best pilot here, so what does it show? Nada. ;)

But, I won't lose. ;)
Originally posted by Anagram
Well, if he beats me... We all know I'm not the best pilot here, so what does it show? Nada. ;)

But, I won't lose. ;)

Hey You are right!
Even i don´t know who you are !
So Doesn´t matter!
Originally posted by Ghost
You are only a guy who want to be accepted here and want to be fun, nothing more.
Try hard !

You've figured out my master plan for world domination. What shall I do?

Originally posted by Anagram
Try hard, fly hard, and die like a loser? ;)

Maniac would never go down like a loser. Punks like Catscratch do.

Remember Maniac's speech about flying and the gold watch....

No way!

A typical Col.Dom plan for world domination would include manuevering between the Earth and Moon in such a way they would collide with each other.

Wait... there wouldn't be much world left to dominate....

Heh heh. Maniac style :cool:

Say- does anybody else here think the T-Bomb became too hush-hush too quickly? I mean, they blew up an entire planet and then it's like, "Hey. Maces for sale."

I understand that the Kilrathi couldn't possibly get their hands on the T-Bomb... but what about rogue UBW defectors?

Was there massive political paranoia a la Cold War after the T-Bomb was made public? It didn't seem like it. Also, it could've been an even more frightful weapon for the Black Lance.
Originally posted by Ghost
The T-Bomb only work in planets techtonically unstable, not in all the planets.

Oh yeah! I forgot about that little nugget of detail. Well, stock up on maces!

Sure suckz to live on Kilrah then.... :p
So, like, Earth. ;)

Very kind of you, Dom, to engage in Topic Drift...


And, I don't "love" the Maniac. I put up with him. ;)
Originally posted by Anagram
Very kind of you, Dom, to engage in Topic Drift...


A victim of circumstance

A product of my environment


J-freakin'-K! I welcome topic drift in all forms!