WC Fans?????

Speaking of firepower, Longbows have lots of it. I still like the Excalibur better.
Lots of Firepower... I'd deffinately have to go with the Dragon. It's not my favorite (it's too good), but it packs a serious punch.
Last time I checked a Trekker was a fan of any of the newer star trek's (TNG, DS9, VGR), and a Trekkie was a fan of TOS or multiple series (still don't know how Enterprise fits in...). I liked it when it was simple... everyone was just a Trekkie... someone had way too much free time on thier hands to think of all this....
I blame Stephen C. Guilfoyle, author of "All I Ever Really Needed To Know I Learned From Watching Star Trek".
Streetsweeper! MMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm....Firepower....
You want firepower, try a H&K G3 with the 60 round barrel extention. MMMMMMmmmmmmm...(crunch, crunch)...cookies...
A former boss of mine keeps his old M-70 in his garage. :)
Oh, RRREEEEEaaaallly? This is a job for.... THE GUN GRABBERS!

"Officer, go grab that worthless metal tube with the wood handle.":D
Originally posted by Needaham45
There's a little something I've been trying to figure out:

If a Star Trek Fan is a Trekkie...

I've always thought of it like this:
A Trekker is someone who really likes the show, but doesn't go to the extremes that the Trekkies go through. A Trekkie is someone who would go nuts just to meet the freakin' CLEANING LADY that takes care of the sets!

(At a convention...) "Oh..my...GAAAWD! I touched her! I..TOUCHED HER!!"
Now you're making me hungry.

Nothing like a big ol' basket of fried chicken livers! MMMM good!:D
You guys are getting disgustin'.

So anyway, the copy of Wing 3 that I got at the garage sale was in a film can and has a book, video, even a sound cd of Origin games. Cool, huh?
Actually, it's probably the Premiere Edition. I'm too lazy to go check what all the differences are, but the PE is more common.