UE easter egg

Originally posted by Ghost
Isn´t too dificult to find it if you are an excellent TIE Fighter player ;)

This Container job from Ue ,really reminded me X-wing,TIE series....
I found the easter egg the first time that i played UE, because i always inspect an unidentified ship/container/etc.
Some time later played the Sim mission 1, but thought that the Rapiers were put there for the *mission designer* not an easter egg
Same thing happened to me, I didn´t notice at first that the Rapiers were the easter egg and, when I found out, I couldn´t remind what had I done to trigger it.
Originally posted by TCSTigersClaw
This Container job from Ue ,really reminded me X-wing,TIE series....
I thought it was one of the neat features in X-Wing. And, since WCP had container-identifying built-in, it seemed like a good thing to put in. Of course, identifying the cargo on a freighter wasn't an option, but we got around that ;).
So, what type of drug is Brilliance? What does it do? Make the user start acting liking Maniac? Is that the reason why he is the way he is? :)
I don't know what kind of drug brilliance is, or what it's made of, or anything... all I know is that everybody was smuggling it in Privateer :).
I reckon it would be cool if it was some sort of drug like "magic potion" in the Asterix comics. Become a super human! Although I doubt it would increase a pilot's ability to fly better - makes the person super human, not the ship a super ship.
From what little hints Priv gave us about it, it seems like just another, umm, anti-depressant ;). I doubt it has any positive impact on the abilities of the person taking it.
In Privateer, brilliance has been proven to have a positive impact on the ammount of credits of the person who was smuggling it, though :)

According to the description in the game manual, Brilliance is sort of like Crack on steroids--it is the nearly pure form of the active ingredient in Cocaine.