Totally OT - I need some love guys

Originally posted by Oggy
I found that the best thing to do is to find something that you used to enjoy before going out with the person concerned and start doing that again, for me it was rugby and 10 pin bowling.
This always surprises me. Why the hell would you enter a relationship where you had to give up doing the things you enjoy doing? These aren't bad habits. Surely a potential partner would not force you to quit doing things or better still encourage you to do them.
Originally posted by gryphon's worth the effort, and the hurt, if there's a chance some day someone will walk into Your room early in the morning, dragging a teddybear along the floor syaing "Daddy, wake up!"
That image is so sweet. :)
Originally posted by steampunk
This always surprises me. Why the hell would you enter a relationship where you had to give up doing the things you enjoy doing? These aren't bad habits. Surely a potential partner would not force you to quit doing things or better still encourage you to do them.

It s a sort of gradual thing, and you don't notice it at the time.
The main reason I stopped playing rugby is because I came away to university and wanted to go home at the weekends to see my girlfriend, consequently, something had to give, and it was the rugby.