The return of the Ralatha

I remember the TCS Alcatraz from the first mission of SO2 (if you continue on your original rendezvous, you can see it).

But after looking through LOAF's ship list, you can find several more (Ctrl-F and search for "Waterloo").
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Wedge009 said:
I think Eder was referring to the ship designation. The Concordia from WC2 is CVS-65.

The 65 is just a placeholder, since I do not know which number our ship has. And if the Concordia is included, it'll have the standard colors.
hey Lynx, I like this new textures... and specular mapping loos very nice too.

Anyway, I'll be back in about 18 days... enjoy the new alpha until then. :D

Best Regards Towyn
Eder said:
Ahh, but I have a good excuse! :p The Lexington was torpedoed beyond recognition during the BoT (and you'll all be able to get a exclusive depiction of this in Standoff ;)), as were all other Concordia-class carriers which were present... except for the Saratoga, but we never see the Saratoga after that, so it might well have remained with the green paintjob for the rest of its service time. We only see the Lexington and the Princeton afterwards: the Princeton wasn't at the BoT, and the Lexington most certainly needed a new paintjob after that event :D

I feel the need to point out that, in Action Stations, the Concordia class ships were a white-ish colour, just like in WC4... which ruins your wonderful scenario :)
How about the TCS Hastings for another Waterloo class ship?

Also, if the Confederation Class dreadnought is to be included, why not bring in the classes namesake, the TCS Confederation, which, according to LOAF, registry is CVS 14 and was never lost so it could still be around with the "super cool" Blue and Gray paint job. Personally I think that the paint job for the Confed. Class on the WC2 box was the best. Dyn that the ship on the box is actually the TCS Confederation, not the Concordia if you believe LOAF about the ID nuimbers b/c if you look on the bow of that ship, the number is 14, not 65. Also, why shoudn't Confed have given the Concordia a new paint job. I mean it wasn't like she was an old ship or they were expecting her to get shot down.
Yup, CVS-14 for the TCS Confederation. We're not sure what happened to her -- just that she's not around by the time of 'End Run'.

The Concordia herself probably wouldn't get a new paint job... since she's still green when crashed into a planet in WC3.
Looks like we have to abandon the model anyway...the geometry is FUBAR. Whoever modeled this had either no clue on what he was doing, or it's another case of Truespace screwing up a perfectly good model. :(
TC said:
I feel the need to point out that, in Action Stations, the Concordia class ships were a white-ish colour, just like in WC4... which ruins your wonderful scenario :)
Were they completely painted in a white-ish colour, though? :D
Sylvester said:
How about the TCS Hastings for another Waterloo class ship?

Also, if the Confederation Class dreadnought is to be included, why not bring in the classes namesake, the TCS Confederation, which, according to LOAF, registry is CVS 14 and was never lost so it could still be around with the "super cool" Blue and Gray paint job. Personally I think that the paint job for the Confed. Class on the WC2 box was the best. Dyn that the ship on the box is actually the TCS Confederation, not the Concordia if you believe LOAF about the ID nuimbers b/c if you look on the bow of that ship, the number is 14, not 65. Also, why shoudn't Confed have given the Concordia a new paint job. I mean it wasn't like she was an old ship or they were expecting her to get shot down.

Newbie, I understand your youthful idealism, something that you think is the best during your 13 years of existance and you want to show some of it to us. However, please understand that both the WC Saga and Standoff people doesn't need your advice, they already have stuff taken care of and are squared away. And if they have questions or issues, they'll ask loaf directly.
The Concordia ... is pretty kickass.

Also, your Ralatha looks 137 times better than last time. How do you do it?
Did you guys take those new-paint Kilrathi on a spin on Fs2?

I love what I am seeing here. In my completely objective opinion WC2 Kilrathi are the best.

As for the color paint, I much prefer Eders' version (yep call me an Origin-al) but I also appreciate the work you have done here as well. It is just a matter of preferences really.

Anyway, can you tell me which if any WC2 ships are you planning to carry over to Fs2? A dream of mine was to replay WC2 for Fs2 (given A LOT of time, I might try to make one.)
Anyway, can you tell me which if any WC2 ships are you planning to carry over to Fs2? A dream of mine was to replay WC2 for Fs2 (given A LOT of time, I might try to make one.)

All of them !
In the end we want every ship in there from WC1-4
WC:P is on hold...maybe we make it, maybe not...the future will show.
Sylvester said:
I'm just trying to help.

"I would like to offer my services as science officer"

You can start helping by shutting your mouth. Maybe you'll get less attention from the people who are already pissed off at you already.
Bandit LOAF said:
Is it the model from the CIC? Because that's the actual WC2 Concordia model.

I don't think so; the proportions were different in some details, and the textures it had before were different.

Bob McDob said:
Also, your Ralatha looks 137 times better than the last time. How did you do it?

I took the shots ingame. ;)
This is the new metal shine effect, it was implemented just a few days ago. The cool thing is; you can apply every texture you want to a model, and it still makes it look as if it is metal. And with the right shinemap, you have even a cool bump-mapping like effect.
For such an Ugly Chassis, you certainly made it look good. If only something could be done about those Horribly ugly Freespace 2 Turrets. I'll have fun blowing this thing away. I like the texture, too.
Those aren't "the horribly FS2 turrets" because FS2 hasn't any predefined turret meshes. It all depends on the modeller.
And what are you talking about? The Confederation or the Fraltha/Ralatha model? This Confederation mesh propbably won't make it to the release because the mesh is corrupted in some places.
Lynx said:
Looks like we have to abandon the model anyway...the geometry is FUBAR. Whoever modeled this had either no clue on what he was doing, or it's another case of Truespace screwing up a perfectly good model. :(

you may have noticed that this is a high res mesh. I can't recall the total poly count, but I think that lod0 is about 5-6k polys, the whole model (hull, turrets, lods, debris) about 10k polys. You may also have noticed that you can't open in ModelView.

I think I shoud not point out FS2 limitations on objects (1000 polys) and subobjects (850 polys).

On the other hand, I am sure we will make a better model if it going to be used in the campaign (which is not sure yet).

btw, I would like to know what is going on... it don't see much of activity here... looks like it would be better for me to come back soon and get things running again :D