The Lamest Insults Ever

Which of these is the Lamest Insult Ever?

  • I will kill you! -Kilrathi, WC2

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • Got any doughnuts, pig? -You, Privateer

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • You're a loose end waiting to be tied, pal! -Pirate, Privateer

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • Every insult in Prophecy

    Votes: 28 68.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Dundradal said:
And Hobbes was fairly upset/annoyed when he found out that in actuality it produced thunderous laughs from humans instead of the desired effect...they mention some other ones in passing when Bondarevsky is attacking ships at Vukar Tag
LOL, that's definitly a classic
I liked the pirate taunts in WC4 the best.

Casey's from Prophecy were just horrible. Horrible.

Maybe they were highly insulting to the bugs, but just sounded lame to us humans?
I Like Zero's "Another One Bites the Dust" (which is not really a taunt) and the other guy's "These bugs will make a very nice guuummmboooo"

I also laugh a lot with the weird P2 taunts... "Oy, Preety boi, kiss moy ass". and "Oy am the greeeeeem reapeeeer!"

But the best game for taunts is P1. It is a LOT better than the rest.
Casey's and Stiletto's were pretty lame. I just rolled my eyes every time I heard her say " I really hate roaches ".

Maestro's comms in general were pretty funny. I love it on that mission when you meet up with some Kilrathi and he says " Hewwo puddy tats. "
Percy said:
...and there was I flying around, thinking that Maestro had said
"We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Maestro, you're dead" :p

Just kidding mate! - its a little difficult to hear the taunts clearly sometimes. :)

I just remember playing Wing Commander 4 and getting really really really tired of:
"Chalk another one up for the Maniac"


Well As you say. It's difficult to hear the taunts sometimes. Especially if you are from non-english speaking country (I must put the blame somewhere :p ).
when an enemy is taunting me, i always get the vibe to shoot them down faster so half way the sentece they die

"you fly like the ape that y-..." followed up by "i've dishonered my clan!!!" totaly rocked

anyway, most anoying are and lame are;
"one more for the killboard" by maniac
"let's give them some maniac magic" by maniac

"DIE!!!" casey in WCSO if i'm correct
Some of the Kilrathi taunts in WCP are pretty lame too.

"My kills grow more numerous."

Give me a break. Then again, the other taunt that I remember, the "I will feast upon your entrails" was just plain weird.
I'll add :

"Do you have any grey poupon"
"Tea and biscuits anyone?"

"Come take a spin on Roulette" -The stupidest insult in Prophecy

The radio chatter in Crimson Skies was way funnier.
The fifty millionth time you hear "Oi em the grrrim reepah", "Ay prretty boy! Kiss moi arse!" or the other incoherent garbage the pirates babble at you is enough to make you want to rupture your eardrums with a pencil. Or someone's eardrums, at least.

But come to think of it, that applies to all inflight comms in Privateer 2. "Doin' jes fine!" always makes me want to stab someone.
pirate in privateer 2: from hunter to hunted...prepare to die(if i hear correctly). ridiculous way of saying it
I´ve a problem...the taunts in the German version were very cool.

Vaquero in WC3: "Friss Dreck und stirb, Gato!" ( "Eat dirt and die, Gato!" )
Pirates in WC4: "Wir sehen uns in der Hölle wieder!" ("We see us again in hell")
Excell in WC4: "Diese Idioten können mir nichts anhaben!" ("These idiots cant harm me")
Valkyrie said:
I´ve a problem...the taunts in the German version were very cool.

Vaquero in WC3: "Friss Dreck und stirb, Gato!" ( "Eat dirt and die, Gato!" )
Pirates in WC4: "Wir sehen uns in der Hölle wieder!" ("We see us again in hell")
Excell in WC4: "Diese Idioten können mir nichts anhaben!" ("These idiots cant harm me")

actually in the english version they were:
eat SH*T and die gato(which is my absolute favourite)
the other one was: see you in heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell(BOOM:P)
and the last one i dont know :P
IIRC, the English release's comment from Excell is "They can't touch me!", though I can't find my copy of the WC4 official guide to verify that, and haven't played in ages.
I'll also add the Kilrathi taunts from Privateer:

I will mount your bones in my hall!
A mortal blow! I salute you!
Ahh, I feed another to the void.