Tarawa's flight deck

holy crap.....jackpot! straight off of the features list.

Supports many output/input formats including
3D-studio 3DS
Alias triangle
VRML1 and 2 and Inventor
Renderman RIB
Direct X
Quake 3 bsp
Wavefront OBJ
stl (ascii)
sof (airfoil)
LDRAW .ldr (Lego)

thats for 5.0 anyway, what version are you running?

edit: went running through real fast....to make it available to the masses. go to file > export > wavefront OBJ (should preserve texture coords) or 3D Studio. shuold work :)
BradMick said:
what version are you running?

edit: went running through real fast....to make it available to the masses. go to file > export > wavefront OBJ (should preserve texture coords) or 3D Studio. shuold work :)

I'm running version 4 and getting to know 5.

Alright good buddy, here we go- I'm sending you an e-mail with both version, along with all the texture files...

keeping my fingers crossed.
yeah, lots of ferrets, sabres, rapiers, tugs, fuel tanks and I'm experementing with modeling fuel 'lines' as well as adding more details here and there. As soon as my days-off from work hit, I'll post some visuals.
You’re doing a wonderful job! :cool: I can’t wait to see all the new things your adding. It sounds like it’s getting rather crowded, just like it should be. ;)

Here are some other things mentioned in the book.

Fire retardant nozzles in the bay ceiling p.92
Hooks in the ceiling. p.167
Also a lift to raise the armament from the lower deck. “All armaments aboard Tarawa are stored in blast-proof lockers beneath the flight deck.” ER p.167

When you get to working on the external armament I have a previous post that shows all it’s weapons If you have any questions let me know. It came out a little garbled when I posted so it might be a little confusing.

Keep up the good work!! :D
Thank you Shades2585!!!
Man, oh man! this forum is usefull :D :D

So I promised to post some visuals once my off days had come.
-I fully intend to make good on my promise.

This is the early stuff. What I mean by that is that I'm now 'tweeking' the details on the flight-deck itself: color adjustments, a few boxes and fuel tanks here and there...
I got the Ferret looking more authentic... I hope. And the Sabre was a real pain in the butt to model- in fac I still think I got some of the details wrong

On a side note, I'm concerned about all these pictures I'm posting on this single thread. I've got to be nearing my limit... may have to delete the first ones.


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wicked! shaping up very nicely Marc. heheheh, i see you put those images to good use :) looks great all around!

Brad Mick
Marc, I'm not sure what program you're using but these pictures would look incredible (although they already do!) if you could turn on shadows...
looks great...just one thing....I got the impression that fighters were parked in rows with at least some being parked in front of the others. Bondarevsky mentions it after his first landing I believe because the sabres are in front of the ferrets and he wanted them switch in case they needed a quick recon flight.....
Maj.Striker said:
Marc, I'm not sure what program you're using but these pictures would look incredible (although they already do!) if you could turn on shadows...

I've been trying to download a render program for some time now, but to be honest I didn't really put all my efforts into it. To date, all of my pictures have been the 3D-to-windows clipboard feature that came with AC3D. To my knowledge, there is no shadow button I can push I this modeling program.
Dundradal said:
I got the impression that fighters were parked in rows with at least some being parked in front of the others...

Yeah, I played with that ideal earlier (see previus post) but I've now cut back on the number of 'front to back' parking spaces down to two rows in the back of the bay- this way there's still the possibility of fighters being "behind" others, and now there's a taxi-way for most crafts to get to the catapult.
Hmm, well you might try Blender (google it ;) ). To my understanding its a free program and I've seen some impressive results in it, definitely changed my opinion. You could export this scene as a common type (.obj or max or whatever) and import into blender to render. :)
Ok. here we go... time for a rundown of what I got.

Deck lines, catapult, safety net and parking details
Bulkhead details + pipes + crew pit doors
Go/no-go launch lights
FlightControl Center with walkway and stairs
Comissionning flag (with or without the eel)
Ceiling lights
Cranes & tracks
Storage Hooks up-top
Fire retardant nozzles (the yellow circles next to the lights)
fuel barrels
mobile diagnostic computers

Am I forgetting anything? :D


  • FlightDeck12.jpg
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I came upon a dilema with the Sabres- they are to damn large to fit on this deck.
So the solution was simple, and it isn't even mine, fold the wings.


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