Take out Sadaam?

Should we take out Saddam

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 64.9%
  • No

    Votes: 13 35.1%

  • Total voters
Take out Saddam.yes or not.
The thing is why?....if you say blast him because the kurdos are opressed, killed then Yes, if you say because iraqui cihldren are dying for dozens, they don´t have food...could be, you have paper and things that prove that Saddam supports terrorists, yes, kill him
But if the reasson is that US will get more Oil or a lower in it price or for testing new weapons, i think not.
Take out Saddam: Yes

Start a war with Iraq: NO

Where´s 007 when we need him? If the real reason for the war was taking out Saddam, I think the MI5 and the CIA are good enough to sneak a spy in Baghdad and shoot the bastard. There´s no need to start a war for that, unless, of course, the reasons for the war are making generals happy, testing new weapons, creating jobs in the weapons industries, control Iraq´s oil production, ....
Originally posted by Starkey
Take out Saddam: Yes

Start a war with Iraq: NO

Where´s 007 when we need him? If the real reason for the war was taking out Saddam, I think the MI5 and the CIA are good enough to sneak a spy in Baghdad and shoot the bastard. There´s no need to start a war for that, unless, of course, the reasons for the war are making generals happy, testing new weapons, creating jobs in the weapons industries, control Iraq´s oil production, ....

Hey I'm all for a covert sniper operation. Trouble is, where is Saddam? He has all of those underground bunkers. And could we be sure of shooting the right one, he has like 5 people surgically altered to look like him. No I think we'll have to go in and dig him out then stomp on him.
During the Gulf War, Briton wanted to send in the SAS to take out Sadaam, but Bush Senior wouldn't let us
Yes. Then Iran, then anyone else who thought Sept 11th was a good thing, including our "good friends" the Saudis who provided most of the terrorists.
The fact that most of the terrorists were Saudis does not make the sentence "the Saudis provided the terrorists" right...
i had a feeling that this topic would come up... attack Sadam... sure if you can prove that he has done something wrong which no one seems to be able to do (what he does in his own country is his business... not to mention that he had 99% of the votes in the last election... better than the mess in the US)... but since one can tell that Bush is out for oil then what's the point in wasting money, resources and lives over oil... just seems dumb to me...
Originally posted by Millzy
i had a feeling that this topic would come up... attack Sadam... sure if you can prove that he has done something wrong which no one seems to be able to do (what he does in his own country is his business... not to mention that he had 99% of the votes in the last election... better than the mess in the US)... but since one can tell that Bush is out for oil then what's the point in wasting money, resources and lives over oil... just seems dumb to me...

We do know that he has Chemical and Biological weapons
We do know that he has no problem using such weapons even on his own people
We do know that he has defied UN resolutions to disarm and allow inspectors in to confirm disarmament
We do know that he is nearing nuclear capability if he does not already have it.
We do know that he has attacked other nations including Israel and Kuwait.
If you are waiting for a positive confirmation that we should strike him now, then look no further than Sept. 11. If we had taken out Osama when we had the chance, Sept. 11th might never have happened. But because of our in-action a terrible tragedy occured. Now that we America has been successfully attacked on her own soil others will attempt to duplicate this feat. Let's not give them the opportunity, strike hard, strike fast. Let's not repeat the mistakes of the past.
sure if you can prove that he has done something wrong which no one seems to be able to do

Jesus X. Reid... when the hell did our society go from "question what the government tells us" to "everything the government says is wrong and evil AND THEY ARE KILLING BABY SEALS". We *know* about plenty of horrible things that Iraq is responsible for (ethnic cleansing, for instance)... the issue here isn't going after some innocent country -- it's wondering why our policy has suddenly changed, having known about all this for years.

(what he does in his own country is his business...

Really? So when your government decides to execute everyone with a double-digit IQ you'll gladly surrender yourself?

not to mention that he had 99% of the votes in the last election...

Wow! What an amazing statistic! Now, are you entirely ignorant or do you not actually know that any such elections are a complete farce? He's a *dictator* -- he runs unopposed in a system that only allows members of his political party to hold office or vote (not that vocal opposition is particularly prevalent -- what with it meaning execution... of course, that's okay because "in his own country is his business...".

better than the mess in the US)...

Because executing anyone who threatens your regime is better than peacefully deciding who'll be the next president?

but since one can tell that Bush is out for oil then what's the point in wasting money, resources and lives over oil... just seems dumb to me...

Make yourself a new tinfoil hat and get your conspiracy theories right -- the "EVIL GOVERNMENT ARE STEALING OIL!!!!!" bit was ten years ago. Our allies in the region control the rich sources of oil -- and we've already cornered Iraq into a situation where they provide us oil. There's no secret oil source for the evil government to steal.

However, if you'd like a *new* stupid conspiracy theory you could rant about how it's all just an EVIL EVIL GOVERNMENT TRICK to win some election or an EVIL EVIL GOVERNMENT TRICK to make us ignore corrupt businesses or something. Oh, and mention the WTO a lot.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Jesus X. Reid...

:D :D :D

I totally agree with you LOAF, I just think there are other ways to kill Saddam other than wasting Iraq (again) and causing suffering to innocent civilians, not to mention the billions of US taxpayers money spent and the U.S. soldiers killed. Both sides lose in a war.
Originally posted by Ghost
Take out Saddam.yes or not.
The thing is why?....if you say blast him because the kurdos are opressed, killed then Yes, if you say because iraqui cihldren are dying for dozens, they don´t have food...could be, you have paper and things that prove that Saddam supports terrorists, yes, kill him
But if the reasson is that US will get more Oil or a lower in it price or for testing new weapons, i think not.

first things first, the US does not buy oil from Iraq, if we did our economic sanctions would be worthless as we buy the most oil. second we will most likely be buying an increasingly larger amount of oil from Russia. We don't have any untested weapons, if we had any, believe u me, we tested them in Afganistan. We have enough evidance against Saddam to wanna take him out with out even thinking about oil. to say that I want Saddam dead, just to save money at the pump is insaine. I want Saddam dead so i can piss on his grave.
Originally posted by Happy
first things first, the US does not buy oil from Iraq

I didn´t said that, but having a *friendly* Government there could help a lot and will affect the price of it.
And why now?
I mean the Gulf War was more than 10 years ago, And Saddam increased his stock of chem and biologic weapons since 1995 (just to put a year), also he killed Kurdos since he is *President*(80s) and most of his atrocities are well known since the Iraq-Iran War.
So saying that you have *enough evidence* now is pure hipocrisy.
u must have missed 9/11 completely.....
we have a money trail to Saddom linking him to the terror network. after 9/11, we made it known to the entire world, that we would have nothing short of complete vengance. now the world cann't understand why, "but u already kicked his ass once, why do u need to do it again?"
the answer is, he aided in the murder of U.S. citizens.
3,000 of us were killed, if 3,000 Argintians were killed in a surprise attack, I think u'd be pretty pissed off as well.
No, i didn´t missed 9/11
Just the same question, why now?
And it seems that you missed what Bush said a few weeks ago:
*We will share the oil, with our allies if they are with us*.
face it, 9/11 isn´t the only reason to attack Saddam.
And if you want him killed, why don´t send a SAS or SEAL team or something like that, you think that carpet bombing Iraq will kill him?.
im fairly sure that all 3 would kill him....
as to which one will, personally i think the U.S. should give him his own island, and since he has been so interested in nuclear weapons, i think we should give him one of those too.
one with a 30 second fuse....

but we wouldn't send in the seals for an assassination, that is reserved for Delta, or other sercet op.s squad.

maybe they'll send in, Omega force!!!!
OK, I agree with LOAF completely. I also agree that we have had proof of Saddam's actions for some time. Taking out Saddam would make my day, but it isn't as simple as saying,"Deploy Delta Force, SEALs, or SAS". We have tried covert ops before, but they've failed. He has found ways to protect himself in such a fashion that there is little choice but to take him out conventionally. These Middle-Eastern guys are masters of hiding. It will take massive cooperation between intelligence agencies and armed forces just to figure out where this asshole is.

I'll go a step further in saying that the REAL enemy here is Saudi Arabia. God dangit, if people would agree, and stick to, an oil conservation program, they wouldn't have so much leverage over us! As it has been said, we are buying more and more oil from Russia anyway. Once the oil issue is settled, attack the Saudis pre-emptively before the media catches a hold of it, and hit them in the balls! I have been itching for ages now in hopes that I see that day. Now, normally I'm the diplomatic sort, but ever since 9/11, I've been in a rage because it is the time we should let some HE do the talkin, not the monkey-****ing UN.

Another thing comes to mind, the sniper serial killer. Instead of locking this guy up, or others like him, we should make use of his talent. Send HIM and other maniacs to Baghdad to have some serious fun!

Speaking of Iraq...
Originally posted by Wulf
These Middle-Eastern guys are masters of hiding.
Wow, what the heck is that supposed to mean? Such broad generalisations will only do harm to your argument, because they make it sound like you have no idea what you're talking about.

I'll go a step further in saying that the REAL enemy here is Saudi Arabia. God dangit, if people would agree, and stick to, an oil conservation program, they wouldn't have so much leverage over us! As it has been said, we are buying more and more oil from Russia anyway. Once the oil issue is settled, attack the Saudis pre-emptively before the media catches a hold of it, and hit them in the balls!
Saudi Arabia is the real enemy... ok, let's give you the benefit of the doubt for a moment. So, is there a logical reason of some sort behind your statement?