StarLancer #1 Fastest Moving Game On Windows Marketplace


StarLancer #1 Fastest Moving Product On Windows Marketplace

I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but I stumbled upon the Windows Marketplace website today and StarLancer is the #1 fastest moving downloaded product on the marketplace. I just thought it was neat that people are still interested in the game.
I suggest starlancer. If anybody gets the chance to pick it up, do it. It kind of reminded me of Wing Commander when I first got it.
I suggest starlancer. If anybody gets the chance to pick it up, do it. It kind of reminded me of Wing Commander when I first got it.
My only real complaint about Starlancer besides a few crashes here and there was the amount of of torpedo interception missions, especially towards the end of the game. Other than that, I think it's great. If there's one game that is more "WWII in space" than WC, it's Starlancer.
Starlancer was a fantastic game. Some of the missions were a little dull and there was no interaction with your fellow pilots outside of the cockpit but it was still a great space sim.
Starlancer was a fantastic game. Some of the missions were a little dull and there was no interaction with your fellow pilots outside of the cockpit but it was still a great space sim.

The space combat part itself was nice enought, when the bad mission design didn't get in the way. I never got much into Starlancer. And what about that co-pilot...
I HATED the Pirate-killer Ion-Cannon Mission!! ARGH! be fair, it was just that I had a problem with a bunch of pirates somehow having the most ultra-modern cutting edge super gun (and fighter) in the SL universe.

Other than that, it was addictive and flexible enough for differenty flying styles to be capable of winning (did you go for the Naginata and the superior maneuverability and dogfighting prowess or did you go for the Coyote line of ships with medium weaponry attached to blind-fire or did you go the patriot route for gut-busting heavy guns?)
Someday it might be fun to go back with half a dozen people and play through the game cooperatively. Those torpedo goalie missions were awful, but they wouldn't be so bad with a few real wingmen.
Someday it might be fun to go back with half a dozen people and play through the game cooperatively. Those torpedo goalie missions were awful, but they wouldn't be so bad with a few real wingmen.

That's true...I'd definitely be on board if anyone wanted to organize a session...
Amazingly, I still have the Starlancer CDs here... somewhere lost in the old games pit of doom. I might try to find them if anyone is up for some game. :)

For as long as there's no cloaked bomber squadron to nuke the carrier if we deviate from some arbitrary mission design. :p
Hey now, everyone has to wait until I get through WC III, IV, Prophecy, and Secret Ops again before I move on to another space sim. :p
I HATED the Pirate-killer Ion-Cannon Mission!! ARGH!

Amen brother. I still have that "The Ion-Cannon is targetting us" in my ear after all these years. Must have heart that piece of comm at least a couple hundred of times *sigh*
I hated how it was a total cliffhanger!

It made the game feel like it was cutoff in mid development...

I mean, I GOT that Freelancer was the conclusion (the intro movie makes that point), but it pissed me off that they did such a good job of involving you and showing that the war was back and forth....and then it ends with an ongoing war...that you ultimately
I think that storytelling in gaming and anime/manga suffer from a similar malaise: They go too far in screwing mankind so that they can bounce back and win later.

Starlancer suffers from that, the initial attacks are so overwhelming, it is almost silly how the "good guys" can even manage not to be crushed outright.

Like in Macross: Do You Remember Love, where the entire Earth is scorched and the only survivors are the Macross people. Or like how tokyo is fucking rebuilt every month after the latest monster in a dozen different series.

Or even BSG, if you think about it.

I really think those writers should take it easy on the doomsday. Of course, beating a stronger foe is classical, but they shouldn't go as far as they do.

<rant over>
The surprise attacks in Starlancer and BSG are just like Pearl Harbor. The attacks crushed what they did hit, but there are some elements of the fleets that were elsewhere. I don't think it's too far fetched.

Anyway, so this thread has inspired me to go back and play some Starlancer, and I was watching some of the cutscenes and found something interesting. I apologize if this has been seen before, but it's new to me. Now, we all know that Digital Anvil did the effects in the WC movie and made Starlancer, and that there are a lot of similar ship designs in both like the Reliant, but it looks like they even used footage straight from the movie very briefly in one cutscene. Check out the Dralthi and Rapier, clear as day.


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