Space Sim First Look: Space Rangers 2 (January 7, 2005)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
Cyberion has been swearing that Space Rangers is an amazing game since its Russian release in November. It will get an English launch in April, so the rest of the work can take a peek. The game is a mix of several different styles. It's a turn based 2D space sim with Privateer and RPG aspects. There is a very large universe to explore and a lot of freedom of choice. The individual characters have stats which evolve over time and the ships can be modified and improved upon. There is plenty of space action, but various quests and missions can take you planetside.

An English page with comprehensive information on the game has been set up here. It sounds like the universe Space Rangers takes place in will be sufficiently complex with dynamic events happening with and without your input. Rangers essentially act as Privateers against an invading alien menace. The upcoming English release will feature both Space Rangers 1 & 2 in a special package.

Original update published on January 7, 2005
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Space Rangers 2 is an absolutely amazing game. Privateer is my favorite WC game and SR2 has a lot of the same elements.

Just to give you an idea about its appeal, I walked into my house last Saturday and looked at the three PC's I have set up. Three of my children were playing the game on the three different systems - two of my sons and one of my daughters.

You ought to give this game a serious look.

I spent hours tweaking the Privateer music so I could listen to it on my MP3 player. SR2's music is every bit as good. Amazing!
Space rangers 2 is awesome. It's like four games in one. You have the main turn based space part of the game (which is IMO kind of like a mix between star control 2 and privateer), the planetary RTS part, the asteroids style shooter part, and the text based RPG part. I highly recommend this game to anyone who hasn't played it. It can be easily found on stardock's site.
I'm not sure how an action RPG could possibly have any similarity to a 4X strategy game.
Me neither... but it seems to me like there are a lot of people who do. Maybe because they're both in space and turn based?