So...who EXACTLY are the 'Retros'?

My memory may be fuzzy over the years, but I seem to remember the guy who employ you (Burrows) to wipe of the Retros was actually a Church of man leader who wanted to get rid of his own organization's fighting machine without loosing face. He said he came to realize that their actions where hypocrite etc. and wanted them to go back to the simple non-tech life they initially wanted.

If you can find that piece of dialogue, LOAF, I'd like to read it ! If it's not on the web somewhere, then I guess I'll did it off my RF files this weekend :p
Wedge009 Is A Great Guy

This part is especially interesting.

Informant: So I expected. But our interests may coincide for a little while. Let me tell you the story of Mordecai Jones. He was an unknown when he joined the Church of Man five years ago. He started as a ship technician, but by virtue of his astounding eloquence and technical skill, he quickly attained a position of leadership. Within a year, he commanded a church battalion. Within three years, he was an Elite Guard Commander. He was soon in a position equal to my own. When his holiness Father Benengeli, the previous church leader, died a year ago, it was revealed that he had appointed Mordecai Jones as his successor. Jones’ leadership brought the church a stunning string of victories. He provided us with new Kilrathi ships and stronger arms. And, of course, our new secret weapon. I believe it is known to you.
Burrows: My gun?
Informant: Yes. The Steltek super-weapon. Church engineers have already learned how to duplicate it. The copies have been used experimentally. Mass production is imminent. I don’t believe your Confederation can withstand such a powerful force.
Burrows: That’s for sure. But I thought you were disgruntled. This whole situation seems perfect for you.
Informant: Oh, it is. The average churchman’s dreams seem about to be realised. But my high rank gives me access to some closely guarded secrets. Six months ago, I accidentally came upon some transmissions from Jones to Governor Menesch. They mentioned “The Ulterior Motive”. A plan I had never heard of. My suspicions were aroused. Further research revealed the nature of this plan. In summary, it led to Jones’ domination of Gemini, and gave Menesch a great deal of power and wealth. When the entire region was secure, Jones would dismantle the Church of Man. He planned to use churchmen as a police force. No ultimate destruction of technology. Only megalomania. It’s an old story. Somehow, though, I’m surprised that it’s worked again.
Burrows: That’s some pretty wild stuff.
Informant: It is. I have taken a leave of absence from my church duties, hoping to find some means of stopping Jones. Time is short. But I think you can save us. I have a plan.
My memory may be fuzzy over the years, but I seem to remember the guy who employ you (Burrows) to wipe of the Retros was actually a Church of man leader who wanted to get rid of his own organization's fighting machine without loosing face. He said he came to realize that their actions where hypocrite etc. and wanted them to go back to the simple non-tech life they initially wanted.

Sharpshooter found it already -- but the story wasn't that the informant had realized the church was hypocritical... he just discovered that Jones wasn't a believer and was using the church for his own purposes. The informant actually leaves on an unapologetic note, reminding Burrows that they're still enemies.
Sharpshooter found it already -- but the story wasn't that the informant had realized the church was hypocritical... he just discovered that Jones wasn't a believer and was using the church for his own purposes. The informant actually leaves on an unapologetic note, reminding Burrows that they're still enemies.

I've heard Jones spoken about several times. Is there any info on what happened to him? I never got that far in Privateer. Was there ever a coup against him?
I've heard Jones spoken about several times. Is there any info on what happened to him? I never got that far in Privateer. Was there ever a coup against him?

You kill him using space guns.

... and optionally space missiles.

... and space ramming?
(But seriously, Jones is the end 'boss' in Righteous Fire -- you shoot him down to win the last mission.)
Retros are the best prey in Priv1.

You kill them, it improves your relationship with most factions (Confed, Militia, Merchant, Mercenary), they cannot be befriended...

but somehow I remember going through the source files and discovering some dialogue text regarding a Retro fixer.

Anyone can shed some light to this mission, which I never encounter in the game?
There was a Retro fixer in Righteous Fire (the informant.) Privateer also had a system of 'random' fixers which was cut fairly late in development - it's possible that one of them would have been a Retro.

Kilrathi are probably a better target than Retros, though - your relationship with all of those groups improves more quickly when you kill them.
Privateer also had a system of 'random' fixers which was cut fairly late in development - it's possible that one of them would have been a Retro.

That would have been a great addition to the game even though the mission computer and guilds already do a good job. An chance for more movie conversations was fine by me. When I first played Privateer I went to every bar hoping to find someone in the one chair where it looked like they would be to no avail until I made it to Sandoval in New Detroit.
Quick vocabulary question: what is a 'fixer'? In German, a fixer is somebody who's doing drugs. I found one entry on fixer that describes him as "a person that organizes something". Is there more to it or is that it?

Thanks in advance.
I think it's a reference to random NPC's who get involved in things you are doing, IE: helping you out in a fight.

But LOAF's comment makes me think it's people who aren't your enemies but aren't your friends, either.
I thought a "fixer" in Privateer was someone who gave you a job...? Looks like we have some very different definitions here. :)