Secret Ops - Lost serial number & starter pack registration

You can download the first episode (called the starter pack) free online from this site. The episodes, however, can no longer be downloaded for free. You will need to buy a copy of Prophecy Gold, which includes Secret Ops.
Secret ops

So you cant download the other missions for secret ops anywhere on the internet?

that sucks :-S why would i buy gold if i alrdy got wc prophecy....for secret ops i guess but thats a waste...
Well... You can get lots of extra missions for Secret Ops. You need to download SOSIM here. When you've finished installing that, there's an ENORMOUS collection of fan missions located here.
It's great that there's another download location out there, but there's no reason to make people jump through hoops when they can grab the file right here. You can link directly to our mirror if you want.
Using grey vipers details I got the game to work

Try this Fabio.
Callsign: GuestGunnr
Registration Code: 3558
HCl's keygen should work. You need to click on the radio buttons next to the difficulty to get a registration code (including next to Ace, even though that's the default selection).

(and Fabio hasn't posted at the CIC Forums since November 2001, I'd be very impressed if he saw this! :))
They were gathering data (EVIL DATA) in the hopes of doing future such games where you pay for the episodes.
They were gathering data (EVIL DATA) in the hopes of doing future such games where you pay for the episodes.

I would totally pay to be a part of the Secret Ops download again - sadly I could never make it run on my computer, and so I missed out on the fun of getting to be a part of the episodic release.
Hello, I'm kind of crazy about this. I have lost my serial number and callsign from the Secret OPS game, I have tried to get a new one from the oficial site but It's not working. Can anybody give me a sugestion?


EDIT: To everyone looking to register their Secret Ops, visit



Edit: Keygen has changed urls to

Those links no longer seem to work. This one does.
Don't know how long it'll work though.