Scale of WC


I've never really thought about it before, but I have no idea of the scale in witch WC takes place. What I mean is, how much of the galaxy is charted/easily accesible?

I'm going to use Star Trek as my example, since I know about that. They have the 4 quadrants, but pretty much stay in the Alpha/Beta Quadrants. Could someone tell me where Kilrah would be located using this system? I'm assuming it's very similar to Star Trek in that sense, or perhaps even smaller. They say the Mantu or bugs or whoever are near the galactic core. I assume that's beyond Kilrathi space.

Any insight on this would be great.
Only a tiny sliver of the galaxy -- part of the Alpha and Delta quadrants -- have been colonized in the WCU...
Whew, this is a tough one, but I'll try. Please, LOAF or anyone else, correct my mistakes.

The Terran Confederation and Kilrathi Empire are next door neighbors, as far as galactic matters are concerned. The Mantu or the Neph, if they are from the Galactic Core, is more like traveling from Washington DC to China and back again three or four times non-stop.

I'd say, by going by Star Trek coordinates and Earth is Sector 001 and all that, The Neph are, for practical purposes of discussion, are as far away as The Traveller from TNG is.
That is my opnion though...
Since when are ST and WC in the same universe?

Or have we all agreed to use Star Trek coordinates while I've been gone?:)
Both the Terran Confederation and Kilrathi Empire occupy space roughly equal to 1500x600 light years in the Orion arm of the Milky Way (bordered along the 1,500 side). The Confederation in Spinward, while the Empire is towards the core. Further coreward is the former Hari Empire, a space roughly 1,000x1,500 light years. Much, much further coreward is the realm of the Nephilim, about 100,000 ly from the Confederation. The Steltek are supposedly at the core of the galaxy.
LOAF: If the WC map takes part of Alpha and Delta quadrant of Star Trek... they are indeed very close to the core of the galaxy,But the Earth is in the border ( in the Sagitarius Arm IIRC). according the Star Trek encyclopedia the quadrants are ordered somethig like this:


Gammma Delta


Alpha ! Beta
off subject... what does IIRC mean? you may now continue your debate ;)
in subject here: we'll never really know about the bugs untill we actually go there (if, that is, with a greedy company like EA running the show) who knows? maybe the wormhole goes to another galaxy? something to think about: how far can you travel with a wormhole? from point A to point B? but wheres point A???
The map in WCP is labelled:

Gamma ......... Beta
. .
. (Core is here).
. .
. .
Delta ......... Alpha


[Edited by TC on 05-31-2001 at 22:38]
WC map -- I care not for Star Trek cartography.

The Nephilim (as I already mentioned...) exist towards the core of the Milky Way.
As a friendly reminder, let's not forget the universe is a VERY big place, and there are many different ways of viewing it. Why, at the beginnig of the century scientists only knew of our galaxy, the Milky Way. (Useless Fact: Galaxy means "Milky Way").

In addition, the Greeks always thought the world was Europe, Jews thought Jeruselum was the center of the earth, and Chinese and Australian maps are printed upside-down. :) And all of these are right, in a way. Think about it.
Hey, don't start giving false impressions. :) Australian 'upside-down' maps are generally for a bit of a laugh. Kinda difficult to work with it when the convention is that north = up. And I've never seen an 'upside-down' Chinese map.
I think he meant that the Chinese consider China to be the centre of the world, not that they print maps upside down :).

It should be noted that those upside-down Australian maps, although very neat (I'd love to have one to hang up on my wall, just to confuse people ;)), are a rarity. I've only ever seen one atlas with such a map, and most Australians I've talked to actually think I'm just making it up.
My social studies\geography teacher did a section where he walked around the earth in under fifteen seconds. Guess how and I'll give you a drawing of a rabid chipmunk. :D Er, maybe not...

Anyhoo, I understand the Chinese (the ancient ones, anyway) beleived South was up...and so did the Egyptians (why do you THINK Lower Egypt is on top of Upper Egypt). This, of course, is because the Nile flows backwards, but that's beside the point. :)
Originally posted by Bob McDob
My social studies\geography teacher did a section where he walked around the earth in under fifteen seconds. Guess how and I'll give you a drawing of a rabid chipmunk. :D Er, maybe not...

just walk around the north or south pole. essentially you walked around the world.
My answer too, $tormin.

Originally posted by Bob McDob
This, of course, is because the Nile flows backwards, but that's beside the point. :)
Er, don't you mean that the Nile, like all rivers, flow towards lower ground? Hence it makes sense for lower Egypt to be called as such, since it's, erm, lower? Besides, I'm no historian, but was there a sense of direction before lodestones and magnets? I know there was the Sun and the stars, but still...

Nice question. I suppose there already had been a direction sense. I mean think of the almost perfect base lines of the pyramids.

On the other hand, if there was no direction it would easily account of all the famous people wandering around the world and exploring. Then they would have been all simply lost (odysseus effect)

Originally posted by Wedge009
My answer too, $tormin.

Originally posted by Bob McDob
This, of course, is because the Nile flows backwards, but that's beside the point. :)
Er, don't you mean that the Nile, like all rivers, flow towards lower ground? Hence it makes sense for lower Egypt to be called as such, since it's, erm, lower? Besides, I'm no historian, but was there a sense of direction before lodestones and magnets? I know there was the Sun and the stars, but still...