Righteous Fire help anyone?

Originally posted by Supdon3
That is if its techtonically unstable enough to make a difference

its still going to mess up the planet pretty good :D
its not like i want to make a new asteroid field :)
Back to that Retro planet. Isn't it kinda cheap they don't offer you some credits for signal handily defeating the Retros? Something the Confed been trying to do for a long time.

[Edited by -=\/\/olf=- on 07-14-2001 at 14:40]
Originally posted by -=\/\/olf=-
Back to that Retro planet. Isn't it kinda cheap they dont offer you some credits for singal handly defeating the retros? Something the Confed been trying to do for a long time.

part of the deal IIRC was that you didn't tell confed where the planet was.
$tormin is correct...

And besides, you get 80,000 credits for blowing Jones to the skies...

Nice backdoor jump point to Rikel he had there... :cool:
Well actually I was calling for help because I thought you were having heart attack...

But if this is the way you thank me, then