Request for Undocumented WC1 Facts

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I am new to this board. I'd like to start off by saying that I never would have thought that there are any people who are as into WC as I am (if not more so), and to see so many of you is a glorious thing. :D

I've recently restarted the series for the umpteenth time, and I made an unfortunate error. Right after the 2nd mission in the 1st game, I got the 1st promotion to 1st Lt., then restored the game instead of saving it. :(

Nothing I could do would win me that promotion back. I scoured the net and could only come up with the poor explanation that "you earn medal points with each mission, and after so many get medals and promotions." Not very useful for figuring out what I did the first time or how to repeat it.

I tried absolutely everything, including restarting entirely and getting all 10 possible kills in those missions and having no damage to me, Spirit, or the Drayman, and not even using any missiles. Still no promotion. It was driving me nuts. I was finally forced to get a save game editor and cheat. :(

So my question is, does anybody know what has to be done in the Enyo system to ensure a promotion?

Also, what is required to win the "ultimate medal"? I can't remember what it's called right now, but there is one that I never managed to win. It's the most elaborate one.

And finally (for now), when an Ace shows up and get's away, does he come back? Specifically, the first Ace, Starkiller I beleive, showed up in a group of Salthi, things got hot and heavy and I didn't have time to follow him. He wound up just flying away and I didn't get a chance to nail him, and my Wingman didn't either. I really want that kill. I made a seperate save right after it, so I can go back and replay it if he won't show up again.

Thanks in advance,
First, welcome to the board! Believe, here are a lot of WC freaks and you will also learn a lot about WC.
Hmm, I don't know what you specifically have to do in that Enyo mission, sorry.

IIRC, you get the "Pewter Planet" (The Terran Confederation Medal of Honour) only if you destroy every enemy (including the FRalthi and her fighters, instead of ignoring them, like Halcyon tells you) and you have to bring bakc your wingman, Hunter, alive.

And last but not least: I am not sure, but I think enemy aces that escaped only re-appear in the losing path mission but no garantuee on that.
Unfortunately, the answer about promotions is a bit disappointing -- you do earn "medal points" by completing mission objectives, destroying enemy fighters, saving Confed ships, etc... *but* the actual point where you are promoted is random. It's the luck of the draw whether or not you'll be able to reach the limit in Enyo.

It's not so random for medals -- each mission where a medal is possible has a certain number of points you must get. To get the ultimate medal (the Pewter Planet/Medal of Honor) you have to get 243 medal points in Venice 4 (the final starbase attack). It's also possible to get it at Charon 1 (the next to last mission of SM2) for 165 medal points. Here's the points chart:

Salthi 7
Dralthi/Krant 10
Gratha/Jalthi/Hhriss 15
Dorkir 15
Ralari 25
Fralthi 50
Snakeir 70
Star Post 75
Confed Ship -1
Ship Saved/Escorted 25

As for aces... you are correct -- if they're not killed, they do reappear at several possible points in the game.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
"Terran Confederation Medal of Honor", according to the original Claw Marks.
Or "Pewter Planet", as you can see if you follow TC's link... :)
Thanks for all the help guys. :)

The TCMoH/Pewter Planet is what I was thinking of, yes. It's nice to finally have some of the mystery taken out of it. Just a shame that the same can't be done for the promotions.

LOAF, just for the sake of clarity....when the Aces show up again, is it on the winning path, or is it only on the losing path? I tend to win every mission when I play it anymore (which is kind of funny given that the very first time through when it came out I got my but royally handed to me. lol :D )
LOAF, just for the sake of clarity....when the Aces show up again, is it on the winning path, or is it only on the losing path? I tend to win every mission when I play it anymore (which is kind of funny given that the very first time through when it came out I got my but royally handed to me. lol

It's on both paths... in fact, if you absolutely can't kill an ace, he'll always appear in the *final* series of the game.

Or "Pewter Planet", as you can see if you follow TC's link...

Or read my original post on the matter. :)

Where did you get those numbers loaf?

They're thrown around quite a bit... I believe I have a WC1 design doc from which they were all originally taken. I listed them out of Mark Minasi's excellent unofficial WC guide...
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF

They're thrown around quite a bit... I believe I have a WC1 design doc from which they were all originally taken. I listed them out of Mark Minasi's excellent unofficial WC guide...

Cool. Where can a person acquire one of these nifty little books?
Don't you think lots of medals are earned during WC1 ?
I mean, with all those chicken guts on my uniform, I can't walk, since it's too heavy ! :D

Then be happy that you can still climb into a cockpit... ;)

Nevertheless on this matter, I'm pretty sure no one pinned his medal collection to his flightsuit while fighting Kats... :)
Now I have a slightly new question, or at least a new twist on this one.

In WC1, (in the Kurasawa missions I beleive) you get a mission where you have to go defend a Ralari that was stolen. You are assigned Bossman as a wing. Trouble is, after you fight through the group of Salthi in the asteroids, you come upon the Ralari already under attack but a large group of Gratha, which can hit hard and take one hell of a pounding themselves.

I can't seem to even get one of them killed before the Ralari goes up. Is this mission even possible to win? Or is it just meant to be lost to add dramatic effect? If it's winnable, are there any strategies that work well for it?

Thanks for the link. It doesn't really help though. Short of luck, I am convinced that it is not possible to take out 4 Gratha (not Krants as the link suggests) with a Rapier before they can destroy the Ralari. The destroyer is just not strong enough and it's lone escort and Bossman are just about useless as well. :mad:
Originally posted by DetailedTarget
Thanks for the link. It doesn't really help though. Short of luck, I am convinced that it is not possible to take out 4 Gratha (not Krants as the link suggests) with a Rapier before they can destroy the Ralari. The destroyer is just not strong enough and it's lone escort and Bossman are just about useless as well. :mad:

It's *possible*... but you have to be very quick and very lucky <G> Ram one of the Gratha, missile one of them and then pray you can shoot down the other two in time.
On a side note, I found it easier to complete the mission playing the original WC than playing Kilrathi Saga... I dunno which one you are playing, DetailedTarget...
I'm playing KS. I have the original, both on CD and on floppy, and while, ideally, I do prefer to play them all in their original format, I think that it's no longer all that advisable on modern hardware. I only have a PIII 733, but using mo'slo to crush it enough to make the game playable also seems to create other odd problems that I can't quite explain.

It is quite interesting that there is a difference though. I wonder what that is all about. Something else that I've noticed is that the briefing music in both KS and the CD version (which included the add ons) is never fully played. Right as Halcyon says "Dismissed" and the squadron stands up, the music starts to crescendo, but is always cut off by the scramble sequence. I know that the first time or 2 that I played it, there was more to that music. Anybody else see this? Or am I just crazy? (Not that I'm _not_ crazy anyway. :D ) And if it is not just my imagination, anyone know why they did it?
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