Rebel Galaxy Outlaw!

I didn't even consider the jump drive until I upgraded ships. To many nightmares of running away with a splinters worth of hull left on my tarsus. Then I thought 'okay time to merc it up.' A few distress calls and a lot of loot (ignored the contraband since I didn't want to take the risk) later, I'm buying a cargo hauler and making my money answering distress calls and picking up the left over gear (not picky who drops it). Some times you get ripped apart, but all it takes is that one rare cargo drop and you're back in the black. I couldn't tell you how many hours I've played, but I've done I think 4 maybe 5 main missions, and I'm currently side tracked on that little thing you can buy a jump from the starter system. I also blame custom music station as i'm rgo to catch up on podcasts I've had back logged to listen to :cool:
Anyone know if there is a way to remove the joystick/HOTAS deadzone present in the game? I'm using a modded HOTAS Cougar, and because the stick is so large the deadzone takes up an inch of stick travel and is driving me nuts. I'm used to space sims with zero dead zone, but because this game has one precise adjustments with the stick near center are impossible, rendering most of combat a frustrating experience.
Anyone know if there is a way to remove the joystick/HOTAS deadzone present in the game? I'm using a modded HOTAS Cougar, and because the stick is so large the deadzone takes up an inch of stick travel and is driving me nuts. I'm used to space sims with zero dead zone, but because this game has one precise adjustments with the stick near center are impossible, rendering most of combat a frustrating experience.

Not found a way, and playing with a joystick really highlights how bad the relative sizes/ speeds are. At first I thought auto lock was to attract new players but between the shots required to kill something and the relative speeds I went back to using a gamepad to play. You can still use autolock on a joystick but really what's the point?
The game is definitely balanced for gamepad with lock-on. Not the most useful answer I know but it might be best not to fight it.
Picked up the game but only now and started the flight sim there a way to fine tune joysticks behavrior? I haven'
t seen a sensitivity slider or something and it feels strange to fly because at a certain angle the speed of movement suddenly changes apruptly.
I will try it out a bit more but first testflight feelt...strange.

PS: I have a Thrustmaster T16000M
Seams like I am getting used to flying but still there is something off that I can't quite put my finger on.

Btw...Billiard is fun. For a side activity you put a lot of work into it.
I haven't played Rebel Galaxy Outlaw yet but saw that it made #8 on the top 10 list of 2019 games at Quarter to Three

He especially liked the autofollow feature
But the real genius of Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is so simple, so obvious, and so smoothly implemented that it has pretty much obsoleted every other game about being in things that fly. It’s called autofollow, and it’s exactly what it says it is. Hold down the left trigger — games about being in things that fly will be played with controllers from now on — and your spaceship turns toward whatever you have targeted. You still have to do the fine-tuning to aim your guns, but the act of steering is gone.

Will you miss anything by not having to steer? Perhaps surprisingly, no. Not a thing. For so many years, we have had an implicit agreement with videogames that we’re going to keep turning to try to shoot at the other spaceship. But why not let the game do it for us so we can concentrate on the cool aiming and shooting part without having to also hold the stick to one side, much less having to figure out where the ship went when it flew off the edge of the screen?
He especially liked the autofollow feature

It's interesting to see so many people fond of it. I actually implemented that feature in the cancelled Battlefront 3, I've had many years to get used to it; but I've concluded that I'm just never going to. If anything I think I'd be more forgiving of heavy auto-aim on the guns than losing control of the steering (actually I'd love to see some settings balanced for people playing without autofollow if they've not already been added, I've not played in months).
Interesting, autofollow was the thing I "turned off" because I don't want to let the game play the game but me. I guess that I am one of the few that also dissable nearly all kinds of automation on my PC and other devices because I don't want the devices to control me or what and when I have to do something.

I remember a friend putting a CD in my computer and he then just sat there waiting.... and nothing happend. He was totaly confused and asked if my PC is broken ^_^

Back to the seams that people today seam to take all the "helpers" for granted or request it. In MechWarrior Online I remember people asking for a help to aim at parts of enemy mechs and I thought "have people forgotten what the crosshair is for?".
And best part is that they yell "Cheater" if someone who can aim takes them out.

Personaly I think there is a devide comming up or increasing between the casuals that basicly want the game to take the skill part over for them and those who seak a challange.

PS: I wonder how much the autoaim that became popular with console players has been part of that movement.
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It looks like the console releases are getting closer 👍
Right now, porting of Rebel Galaxy Outlaw to all three consoles is completed. We’re excited to confirm we now have ratings – a PEGI 16 for European territories, and a provisional T for Teen from the ESRB. Now that this is completed, we can move on to getting the game approved by Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony – and we’re excited to have already submitted to Nintendo, with the other two versions following as soon as the last couple bugs are squished. The Lotcheck/Certification process has also seen delays, as many of you have no doubt noticed, with the flood of revised release date announcements coming from companies large and small.
Right now, we’d love to be optimistic and nail down a specific month when the console version will be docking onto your favourite platform, but there’s so much up in the air we couldn’t even begin to guess. We can share that we’ll move from approval to launch fairly quickly — there will be a fairly short turn-around of two to three weeks from when the games pass to when they’ll be available for sale.
Rebel Galaxy Outlaw Development Roadmap (May 2020)
That's great news! I noticed we'd gone two months without an update. Looks like a month or two out it seems.
Maybe they'll finally patch in an option to completely remove joystick deadzone? The game drives me nuts there's a 5 - 10% deadzone, so I have to keep autoaim turned on. When you're using a hotas with a 10 inch vertical throw, even a slight deadzone means an extra horizontal inch of travel to overcome.
Grabbed it on Steam, looks and plays decently, the only issue I'd have is a bit of uncanny valley feeling with the main character and how she is animated.
Anymore thoughts??? I'm torn between this game the new Star Wars squadrons coming out and Mafia the definitive edition cuz I love the first Mafia game back in the early 2000s
Anymore thoughts??? I'm torn between this game the new Star Wars squadrons coming out and Mafia the definitive edition cuz I love the first Mafia game back in the early 2000s
It's a love letter to Privateer, first and foremost (full of references to it and the Wing Commander games, as one would expect). I haven't finished the main storyline but roughly got to most of the top-of-the-line equipment in 18 hours of gameplay, and will now go for these missions. As for the gameplay itself, it's a good space shooter with an enjoyable trucker feeling, particularly with the radio (the soundtrack is one of the highlights of the game IMO) and works well for short sessions. As of now, though, it doesn't look like it rewards exploration the same way Freelancer did nor allows for the kind of persistant world-building the X series has: keep in mind that it's not a criticism, as the game was made by a small team and is much better than what we'd come to expect otherwise (usually, indies from such group sizes tend to be your run-of-the-mill Metroidvania pixel-art retro-shooter, etc., when RGO is an A/AA quality game, so kudos to the devs on pulling this).

Personally, I believe I will put the game aside once I've finished the storyline, as it's unlikely to have more to offer until the mod tools are released (in which case, depending on what they allow to add, I'll try to get a Wing Commander ship pack for the community here - and I do think they'll release tools allowing it, as it's probably one of their unofficial but very obvious goals).

Now, as for choosing between these? I'll buy Squadrons as well as RGO, and I believe Squadrons will have a more intense and memorable experience, if only because it's Star Wars, it has a much larger team and VR support, which are very strong arguments for a great space sim. I'd recommend, however, to buy RGO because it is a genuinely good game within its limits, and a work of love for the franchise we like. Mafia can wait a bit. :-P
It's a love letter to Privateer, first and foremost (full of references to it and the Wing Commander games, as one would expect). I haven't finished the main storyline but roughly got to most of the top-of-the-line equipment in 18 hours of gameplay, and will now go for these missions. As for the gameplay itself, it's a good space shooter with an enjoyable trucker feeling, particularly with the radio (the soundtrack is one of the highlights of the game IMO) and works well for short sessions. As of now, though, it doesn't look like it rewards exploration the same way Freelancer did nor allows for the kind of persistant world-building the X series has: keep in mind that it's not a criticism, as the game was made by a small team and is much better than what we'd come to expect otherwise (usually, indies from such group sizes tend to be your run-of-the-mill Metroidvania pixel-art retro-shooter, etc., when RGO is an A/AA quality game, so kudos to the devs on pulling this).

Personally, I believe I will put the game aside once I've finished the storyline, as it's unlikely to have more to offer until the mod tools are released (in which case, depending on what they allow to add, I'll try to get a Wing Commander ship pack for the community here - and I do think they'll release tools allowing it, as it's probably one of their unofficial but very obvious goals).

Now, as for choosing between these? I'll buy Squadrons as well as RGO, and I believe Squadrons will have a more intense and memorable experience, if only because it's Star Wars, it has a much larger team and VR support, which are very strong arguments for a great space sim. I'd recommend, however, to buy RGO because it is a genuinely good game within its limits, and a work of love for the franchise we like. Mafia can wait a bit. :-P
I don't know Mafia is a great game I played it back in the early 2000s and they redid the whole story line to a certain extent and I'm begging them off your stuff to just got back from Las Vegas on my honeymoon