Quit Jerking Up the Voting Thread

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Rear Admiral
Hey Cris,

I think that for the Privateer Gemini Gold, it should be labeled as Privateer Gemini Gold / Privateer Remake / Wing Commander Universe, mainly because they are so intertwined to separate them would be like asking “which do you like better, villa and chocolate ice-cream or chocolate and villa ice-cream?” At this point there is little fundamental difference other then one is a more open version then a hard line one for one remake.
The options as listed are the result of a lengthy period of open submissions. Our highly intelligent community declined to nominate any horrible crap, so Wing Commander Universe and the Privateer Remake are not listed. If you or anyone involved in those terrible projects had cared, they should have e-mailed us during the nominations stage. There were three updates about this on the front page in the last month.
Yeah, quite simply, nobody nominated the Priv Remake or WC Universe. To the best of my knowledge, every single nominated suggestion is included in the final two categorized lists. And tacking on those two isn't fair to Gemini Gold. All three are distinct projects, even if they have similar origins.
Thanks Chris,

I don’t know what LOAF's problem is, but he sure posts like an ass. If he could honestly and quickly state what you just said instead of making a personal attack on a project he personally doesn’t like. Chatting with various people across both communities, LOAF attitude seem to be the largest part of why there is so much of a rift that has occurred. And one of the many reason why more and more people in the VS community has stopped coming to the CIC altogether This would explain why none of the other projects were nominate. I.E. no one wants to be on a poll where the admin brutalizes them, as being “terrible projects”

I think that LOAF needs to have his admin rights revoked for a while.
If Vega Strike assholes aren't coming to the CIC, then I'm doing my job properly. Maybe they'll pick a lesser intellectual property to rip off next time they're trying to get industry jobs.

You clearly did want to be on the poll -- you just begged to be included with a far better project on a technicality. Your guys were just too dumb to figure out how the process worked... that's not my fault.

I'm also pretty sure that the only person who can revoke my "admin rights" is me... and I don't intend to do that.
Master Wooky said:
I voted for GG in the name of WCU and the privateer remake

Seems to me, then, that you're just too stupid to understand how an election works.

(... but all the same, thanks for disproving that last jerk's claim that you people didn't care about any of this.)
Yeah, the award would only go to Gemini Gold, but if you think they're so intertwined, then you wouldn't have a problem voting just for GG to begin with.
I just thought it's a little lame to call for GG without calling for the others too. John has done a lot for GG, but yet the remake is an important part of GG. I mean you wouldn't say the Constitution was crap without the Amandments, would you?
I just thought it's a little lame to call for GG without calling for the others too. John has done a lot for GG, but yet the remake is an important part of GG. I mean you wouldn't say the Constitution was crap without the Amandments, would you?

Let me say this once again: the fact that WCU and Privateer Remake are not there is YOUR OWN FAULT. We did not make the list, we HELD NOMINATIONS. We held them for TWO WEEKS and updated asking people to submit projects THREE TIMES.


(And *of course* the Constitution was worthless without the ammendments. For one thing, without the Bill of Rights it would never have been ratified in the first place... and for another, I doubt anyone here would claim to be a big fan of allowing human slavery to continue.)
I sure do understand. I just wanted to explain why I did comment my vote. I didn't want to reproach to anybody.
And for the second, right, I didn't express myself right. I wondered if you would take one without the other...

EDIT... plus, I also tried to adress teh name of the thread... ;)
Damn this is really simple people!
They are each seperate projects. Therefore the CIC viewed them as seperate projects. When one was nominated they didnt choose them all. It cannot get more simple than that.
I sure do understand. I just wanted to explain why I did comment my vote. I didn't want to reproach to anybody.

And yet you say it's "lame" for the list to be in its current form -- if it is so, it's your own fault.

And for the second, right, I didn't express myself right. I wondered if you would take one without the other...

Of course you can - see the Federalist Papers. Beyond that, the country existed for many years without a ban on slavery... and on the other side of the coin, repealing Prohibition certainly wasn't the same thing as throwing out the entire constitution.

The Constitution is a living document, and you can discuss its faults or merits on an individual basis or on the whole in any of dozens of different forms throughout history. If I decide to argue that I don't think Congress should have the right to approve treaties, I'm not automatically claiming that women shouldn't have the right to vote. There's a clear and easy separation to make when discussing parts and evolutions of the Constitution -- just like the Privateer Remake. (And, even more appropriately, the modern Constitution is a much more perfect version of the original document which was riddled with terrible flaws.)

EDIT... plus, I also tried to adress teh name of the thread...

You didn't post to this thread, you posted to "Official 2005 Fan Project of the Year Voting Thread". I moved your post here because you were jerking up the voting thread (see topic).
Master Wooky said:
I just thought it's a little lame to call for GG without calling for the others too. John has done a lot for GG, but yet the remake is an important part of GG. I mean you wouldn't say the Constitution was crap without the Amandments, would you?

Was talking about this post... not the other one.
hmm my old friend. Cool down a little bit. If you gonna react like this on every thread, your organism won't handle a stress one day :P Play it like you did before, in an intelligent manner, without shouting... do not scare the newcomers away :P

Personaly for me there isn't too much difference between those 3 projects... i consider them as the mods of each other.. hehehehe, but i do nto mind them being the seperate item(s) in nomination. Counter-Strike was nominated seperately from the Half-Life, so that's not the case.

I hope the problem solved, enough shouting and insults from the both sides, let be friends. *MAYBE LOCKED????????*
UE and Standoff are mods of Secret Ops, but we're not nominating Secret Ops as the fan project of the year.

(Or, specifically, *we're* not nominating them for anything. The entire situation is crazy.)

I think the organization will be okay -- I think it's necessary to be harsh with people after a time, as it creates a community with better overall standards... and this particular case is especially maddening because what they're complaining about is *their own fault*. They didn't nominate the Remake or WCU and now they're angry that no one else did? That's so silly.
Bandit LOAF said:
They didn't nominate the Remake or WCU and now they're angry that no one else did? That's so silly.

maybe you are right my friend, maybe you are right... but still i would avoid shouting, cause when you are speaking in a calm manner, it irritates people more! hehehehehe
maybe you are right my friend, maybe you are right... but still i would avoid shouting, cause when you are speaking in a calm manner, it irritates people more! hehehehehe

Well, I agree more or less -- I am very good at making people angry without using capital letters, anyway. (On the other hand, I'm just gosh darned frustrated about these nominations... there's a much, much funnier complaint story that we recieved in an e-mail this morning. We're not going to post it immediately, because it could effect voting regarding the site involved... but it's... just awful. You'll all see very, very clearly next month why we're ready to tear peoples heads off over nomination-related complaints.)

And now, an exciting update from the frontiers of teen knowledge:

Kris reports: http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6001

Apparently "the games" have begun!

Not only that, but this is your chance, CZ users, to get on... THE VEGA STRIKE LIST OF HEROES!

I don't think I could make that up, and I'm a clever guy. Dear friends, I know many of you have stood by me in the past -- many others have debated intelligently without resorting to ranting about what an ass I am after one post... let this all be in the past. I will hold no grudge against anyone who would like me to ban them so that they may be enshrined on that mighty wall.
Bandit LOAF said:
I don't think I could make that up, and I'm a clever guy. Dear friends, I know many of you have stood by me in the past -- many others have debated intelligently without resorting to ranting about what an ass I am after one post... let this all be in the past. I will hold no grudge against anyone who would like me to ban them so that they may be enshrined on that mighty wall.

here you go! now i love you again! :D

I'm not for banning people, cause so far they didn't make anything wrong. I mean rules violation. It's their trouble if they didn't nominated, not ours. I think we shall just ignore them. Ignorance is a very efficient weapon of mass destruction.
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