
Well, I've known for some time now that I'm weird, guess this just settles it. lol

I liked the idea of a new character, and of it being Iceman's son. And I also liked the idea of the Kilrathi war ending. While it can get a bit old to always move from one war to the next, on the ohter hand, if we don't, there's no more WC, so it's ok.

They were a pretty fightening enemy because htey were so aggressive and also unknown, and powerful to boot. It was kinda like that episode of B5 where they opened up that old Vorlon gateway and unleashed hell on themselves in the form of a species that wanted to wipe everything out. Trek had something similar IIRC, even the Borg were afraid of it.

I thought the whole thing, overall, just rocked. EXCEPT for the apparent killing of Blair. THAT sucked ass.

4 is still one of my all time favorites too. I like dark, complex storylines like that. I didn't miss the Kilrathi at all. Not that they aren't cool, but the war could only go on for so long and had to eventually end. Then they needed time to heal and rebuild and get past hatreds and other issues. In time, it would be cool to see them working with Confed. Like WC's version of the Narn or Klingons basically. (speaking of other races working with Confed, it would be nice to see more of the Firekka as well)
I think the fact that so many people are upset about Blair dying is a testament to how well the character was fleshed out so that we were able to bond to that character. In a sense, seeing Blair die is kind of like seeing yourself die.

When there's flak about a character dying you know that the writers did a good job connecting the character to the readers/watchers/players.
Was Blair really well fleshed out, though? He had no background or distinct character in the games (which was intentional, owing to the fact that he was supposed to be 'you').

The only time they tried to give Blair any background (for the movie), everyone was horrified.
well by WCP, the previous games covered a significant time span and became Blair's history as far as we were concerned. We watched him/us grow from rookie to supposed traitor to war hero to farmer to savior of the UBW.

It wasn't just a single game starring like Aeris in FF7 who really required somewhat of a history because we had never met her before.

Of course it could just be the fact that people have had to get used to a new main character and aren't too happy about it.
Blair was pretty fleshed out by WC4, even if we didn't know much of his past, we knew a lot about his character.