Privateer Splash Screen


Master of Orion
well, i've modeled and composed the splash screen from the original privateer to be used in the Privateer Remake instead of the current one (which is very pixel). I've used the original modeles from the game (so i hold no creadit for it, only for the scene composing and the planet). So far left to add lasers and engine effect, and maybe tweak lightining a little bit. than it could be rendered at 1024x768 and be used as i high quality PR splash screen.

So if you need it, i'll finish the work hellcatv and give you the final image for the final PR version 1.0.

also if you have some time, i would like to model my own gladius, cause the current ingame one differes from the original Gladious shown on the original Privateer splash screen. Also at the further stage if you need this high detaled Gladious, i'll give it to you as well so you may add it to the game. I need to model the high detailed Galdious to make it look better on the splash screen. So it could turn out to be very good for me, for the splash screen and for the game itself ;)

P.S. as i said, i do not hold any copyrights to the scene i'm doing, cause i'm using your models (Centurion and Galdious from PR). Just wanted to give the game good-looking splash screen ;)
How high detail will your gladius model be? If it isn't too excessive, we could use it in the mod instead of just on the splash screen.

And yeah, a good looking splash screen would be cool. Do you have any previews? Someone made one for us a while back and I quite liked it, but for some reason it didn't turn out all that popular..
well, the image i'm doing looks more realistic, except the models (well the Galdious Model, that's why i want to model the personal one).

I'll use the original privateer splash screen as the reference to model Gladious, so it should look like on the splash screen. For the game engine it shouldn't be too heavey-detailed. maybe 1000 polies more than the current one. I'll try to creat some nice textures. (can't promise about the textures though).

I have the rendered test image, but it's on my home PC, i'm at work now and i can't post it, i'll post it when i get home, but i bet you will like it (just keep in mind that i need to remodel galdious, with remodeled one the screen will look pretty realistic)
alright got back home, here is the working render. (it's for fromt he final reander, so alot of changes with be, but the general scene setup will remain as it is now).


as you may see, the Gladious model doesn't look realistic at all, that was the point. I need high detailed model to creat nice looking background, so i have to model it first ;)
it'd look better without the blue blotchy stars, a more....toned down sun, and there are some things which needs fixin with the planet. the blue splotchy stars really are not realistic. i seriously recommend creating a star field with single point polygons. also, it'd be great if you did up a nice hand painted nebule to run diagonally from the lower right hand corner. the planet needs more noticable land mass too to keep it true to the original. hope this helps.

Brad Mick
ok, i've tweake dthe scene a little bit (especially the lightning), also lighten up the planet a littel bit. Plus here is the progress on the Gladious model, that's how it looks like right now. Still it's far from the end. i would say only 50-60% of work is done.


this should help you out mate. the wings, and hull are very wrong, as you can see by the pic there.

Brad Mick
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I wouldn't worry too much about the exact shape--I liked your screenshot posted there...just add a few guns blasts and you're done :-)
Cyberion, I like how the ships are very slighlty blurry, which gives the feeling that they are moving toward you. I agree that all the image needs is gun blasts and it is finished.
the thing is that they look, very right ;) cause i'm doing themf rom the original splash screen. And the Gladious model there is different than the one that was used in the game and the one you showed ;). As i want to stick to the original image, i'm doing my model in the original image style ;)

here is for the comparision:

alright that's how the complete model (without textures) looks like.



Now i'll texture it and place intot he scene, to render the final splash screen. So how does it look like?

btw it turned out to be around 7000 polies. So i guess it won't suit the game at all. :(

But anyway as the model is done, i'll upload it to my site for the download, so anyone may grab it and play with it.
well, despite its glaring inaccuracies (as LOAF stated, the gladius is upside down...hence its difference) the only thing different between it and the render anyway, is that the cockpit is stubbier, and even then not by much when you look at the ingame sprites. the wings really need to be shaped more aerodynamic as well. the element of realism really isn't there bud. i'd also tone down the height of the panels, that's not realistic either. the lasers are larger on the ends of the wings. it could just be the perspective but the hull doesn't look as wide as it should be as well. in so far as detailing goes, i'd just follow the views and it'll turn out great. It's good for a first try, now go for the gold.

Brad Mick
that's how the texturing progress so far



there are some issues, but hey, it's i the process ;)

@Brad: hmmm.... will see what i can do. I'm kinda satisfied with the model so far. It doesn't look 100% the same as the one of the splash screen, cause it has a little bit from my imagination... but it look as if i wanted it to look. And it defentely looks more similar tot he original model on the splash screen than the ingame one ;). I never could understand why Origin rendered splash screenw ith one Gladious model and in game ones with another one :(