Privateer setup Joystick/SoundCard

From reading all your postings the DOS driver for your sound card should be C:\EAPCI\APINIT.COM.

There should be a test program in C:\EAPCI\. I think it's APTEST try it while using the icon. Also try configuration and mixer programs (apcfg and apmixer?).

Sometimes P1 just wouldn't reset it's sound settings. It's just gets stuck. Try delete c:\privater and install it again. My sure you choose SB16 when configuring P1 sound settings.
These are the settings you should use for digital sounds:

Sound Blaster Pro
I/O Port: 220
IRQ: 2 (or 9)
DMA: 1
Thanks Stinger those setting worked :)
unfortunatly the sound started cutting out After 10 minutes.
but I may have just overloaded it.

Geez i forgot how bad midi's sounded in a game :p
Originally posted by Stinger
These are the settings you should use for digital sounds:

Sound Blaster Pro
I/O Port: 220
IRQ: 2 (or 9)
DMA: 1

Something wrong here. The IRQ shouldn't be 2. I believe 2 is reserved for the Programable interrupt controler. It should be either 5 or 7. It may be best to go into your Bios and in the "PnP/PCI configuration" set IRQ 5 to "legacy ISA". Then back in windows go to the Device Manager and uncheck the "Allow LPT Sharing Interrupt" on your sound card. This will reserve IRQ 5 for the SB16 Emulation alone. Make sure you also change the IRQ in the SET BLASTER line in the Autoexec.bat. It should now be SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 T2 J200. Also when configuring P1 sound choose SB16 over SB Pro. The sound card is subpost to be emulating SB16 and not SB Pro.

[Edited by Johnl12 on 05-05-2001 at 07:16]
Actually, John, there's no problem using IRQ 2; in DOS, it's IRQ 9 redirected. No need to do all that other stuff.
Actually I'm running it off a Win95 icon!
quick question for the techies.
Whenever i get into a dogfight or any situation with alot of sound ( usually 5 or more ships ), my sound goes all buggy.
It works fine then game stops for like 5 seconds
then resumes with no sound but whenever a soundfx would affect my ship like getting shot or communication sent to me,theres a short 1 sec burst of sound and the program freezes for a few secs the resumes.
Any thoughts?
I don't claim to be an expert on getting Priv to run on new machines, but from what I've noticed, several sound issues in Priv were resolved when the EMS was reduced to 16MB.

You still have a line similar to this in config.sys, right?
Sorry to be forced to correct you, Wedge, but it should read like:


Hope it helps ;)
Actually, Nighthawk, the order of those arguments doesn't matter.

John: the Win9x icon just reboots the computer in DOS mode; the game doesn't ever actually run in Windows.
Try using this It might help.

[Edited by Johnl12 on 05-11-2001 at 18:42]