Privateer in Win 98 EMM386 problems

CD version

Im pretty sure its the CD version, I dunno i d/l it off the net. They give it out for free now.
well if u can get it to work, good for you.
but until u buy it, don't come to the cic and expect help.
dude I bought it so long

Dude I bought it so long ago, if i could find it among all my boxes of old dos games I would but I am lazy. I purchased it a long time ago back before I even hit puberty. Sorry if I confused you.
Apology again

I apologize again, if its not legal even if i purchased it before Im sorry. I didn't think to much of it. Sorry again.
Originally posted by Unregistered
...if I could find it among all my boxes of old DOS games I would but I am lazy...
I think you should give it a try, at least then you know you have an uncorrupted copy.